Chapter eighteen

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"- I'm suprised that you call this a 'family meeting' since none of you seem comfortable...

- It was Cap's idea.

- And you, Strak, said it was a great idea.

- And you too can't ever seem to agree with each other... So, what's the 'family meeting' about ?

- I'm sure that Cap would love to start, right ?

- *sight* Fine... I just wanted to make sure that... um... that we know where you stand so we don't overstep...

- What exactly are we talking about ?

- Don't play innocent, sweetheart, you understood perfectly well...

- Stark...

- It's okay Steve, don't worry. So we're talking about how far I allow you guys to go in the matter of making-out / sex and all... Well, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea of how far I want to go... I'd have to take a few advices from my friends before.

- So, all we have to do is convince your friends ?

- If it were as easy... 

- Well, according to what I've heard earlier... Our dear soulmate isn't as innocent as she seems, right sweetheart ?

- Tones ! Ugh ! I'm definitely  gonna kill her for that.

- Wait, wait, wait princessa, what does it mean exactly ?

- 'Go on wattpad and search what she's been reading.' I did and I found some pretty interesting things...


- I thought that you loved me ? There's nothing to be ashamed of, you know ? We all have our own fantasies, and it's perfectly normal.

- Princess, what is he talking about ?

- I asked Tony if he could repare my old phone, and he did. But I should have known that he would look into it, and he did. What exactly did you find ?

- You sure you want me to say ?

- You'll say it anyway. Go on.

- Well, I found your wattpad account and the library that goes with it... Did you know that some people ship us all together ? Anyways, I found a lot of fanfictions about us, but also about Harry Potter, The Lord Of The Rings, and some other things. Among those fanfictions, I found a lot more smut than I thought I would.

- Great... Is there anything else you wanna talk about ?

- Who's cooking tonight ?

- Thor, you big oaf ! Stop thinking with your stomach and start using your head !"

Thanks to Thor and his stomach, the conversation changed. He saved my life. Literally. And since he's not the only one who's starving, the debate is now closed. I look at him and he winks at me. Of course he did it on purpose. I go to him and sit on his lap and make myself comfortable. I mumble a quick "thank you" and I feel him chuckle.

"- What's funny Thor ?

- You seemed in distress and I would be damn to leave you in such a situation.

- Thanks..

- But the man of iron is right, you do not have to be ashamed, we will always be there for you, no matter what happens. I have to admit that I am a little bit curious about what he has talked about.

- We will probably experiment on those things...

- Then I cannot wait, but only when you are ready, my lady."

I smile. We stay there for a while. There is a debate in the kitchen, but I don't really pay attention. Thor's heartbeat calms me down. I was a bit stressed about earlier's discussion, but I feel much better now. I only realise that someone is talking to me when I feel Thor's hand caressing my cheek while I can feel his body vibrating as he speaks.

"- Sorry, you were saying ?

- What type of pizza do you want ?

- 4 cheeses please, wait no... Bacon groovy ?

- Sure sweetheart. Steve, add a bacon groovy to the list !"

Soon enough, the pizzas are here and we eat together. We talk a bit and I only hope one thing : that no one will talk about earlier. 

"So, princessa, about earlier..."

I choke on my food and the others start laughing.

"- What ? I'm curious ! Don't say that you are not, I won't believe you !

- What do you want to know Piet ?

- What are the main ships that you read about ?

- Wait, so you really don't know about any of this ? Really ?

- What is a ship ? I don't think I have the right definition in mind...

- Okay, so, when you ship two persons together, it means that you can easily imagine them being together in a romantic way, or at least in a sexual way.

- Hold on, hold on... That means that people believe that I could be doing things with Capsicle here ?

- Well, yeah... I mean, Stony is one of the main ships. With Pepperony, Romanogers, Frostiron, Thorki, Stucky... Those are basically the big ones. There's also the one between Nat and Clint but I can't remember the name...

- Really princess ? That's what you read about ?

- You don't get to judge. There are very good fanfictions. People are very talented...

- What about smut ?

- Really Tony ? You had to ask ?

- Like Pietro said, we're just curious.

- Yeah, right... Depends on the author, but there are many good things too.

- What exactly is smut ?

- Steve, you realise you sound like my little sister, right ?

- Is it a bad thing ?

- Not really, but whenever someone starts talking about sex, she just changes subject.

- But we're not talking about that, right ?

- Smut is when you read about sex."

Poor Steve, I think I just broke him. He doesn't dare looking me in the eyes. Tony, Clint, Pietro, Nat and Loki are smirking, with lust shining in their eyes. The others just smile at Steve's embarrassment.

"- So, what are your fantasies, sweetheart ?

- Stark !

- What ? You were the one who wanted to know where she stands !

- Please boys, stop fighting. And to answer your question Tony, you will have to discover that yourself... That works for each and everyone of you.

- Can't wait...

- Bucky ! Not you too !

- Hey ! I'm only voicing what everyone thinks !"

What suprises me is the fact that every last one of them nods their head in agreement. Steve, who looks quite pissed, storms out of the room to go into his room. I sight. I really try to make them all happy, I'm really trying my best, but sometimes, it doesn't work out the way I wanted to.

"I'm gonna make sure he's okay."

I stand and leave the room, and go toward his room.

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