Chapter seven

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I finally come back to my senses. I'm sitting on Wanda's lap and she has her arms wrapped around me. I feel so protected and so... so... I don't know, just, so well I guess. Like I belong here. I don't wanna go anywhere else.

" You're feeling better ?

- Yes, thanks a lot, and sorry about that.

- Don't be, we all have anxiety sometimes, so it's okay.

- You say that a lot ?

- If I have to, then yes, otherwise not so much."

I turn around to get up and I see my entire class staring at me behind my soulmates. Loki offers me his hand to get up and I take it. I see Tony Stark... Wait TONY STARK ?! What the fuck is going on ? Why is he talking to my teacher ? And why is he... Oh... He's my soulmate too. Wait, WHAT ?! TONY STARK AND THE AVENGERS ARE  MY FREAKING SOULMATES ?! Shit ! Shit ! Shit ! Okay, okay, calm down, everything's alright.

Okay, I'm surrounded by my soulmates. Are they all here ? I don't know, I'm not sure. Tony freacking Stark is heading back towards us and he's... smiling at me, he looks very proud of himself.

"Hello sweetheart, I just talked with your teacher and kinda explained the whole soulmate situation and you're staying with us today. You don't have to worry about anything, really. She and I also called your mom and she's okay with it

- So, you're Lily's soulmates, huh ! Is there anyone esle or is it everyone ? And you better not intend to hurt her or put her in danger otherwise, mighty hero or not I'm killing you all, one by one, and it will be very painful.

- Sorry, you are ?

- Eden, you ?

- Well, you see, I am a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, also known as Tony Stark, or Ironman.

- Don't give two shits about it, but sure. Just know that the threat still stands. You people better take care of her and love her and treat her he way she deserves to be treated or god help me you'll be in deep shit. Now, off you go !"

With that being said, Eden just walks away, joining the rest of my friends and the class to go on with their day. And I'm now alone with my soulmates. I don't really know what to say right now, I mean they're celebrities and super amazing people and I'm just me. The basic, average girl that no one ever found interesting. I never dated anyone and now I'm supposed to date them all ?! How am I supposed to do that without hurting them and whithout hurting me ?

"Let's go upstairs, we'll be more comfortable" I'm not sure who just spoke as I'm still quite in my thoughts but we're all heading to the elevator. 

Loki's on my right, holding my hand, while Wanda is on my left, her hand on my back. I feel safe with them around me. Not that I don't trust the others. 

Since I have no idea of what I should do or say, I just keep quiet, the problem is, so do they. I kinda expected Tony Stark or Pietro Maximoff or even Thor to just say something, but now I realise that Thor  isn't in the elevator with us, and I'm not the only one who looks stressed. They all do.

So when we finally step out of the elevator, I'm quite realived to see that Thor is in the living room, probably waiting for them. When he sees us, he smiles and this smile widens when we lock eyes.

"- My friends ! I am so pleased to see you all came back from your mission sooner than expected ! And you met my soulmate !

- Our soulmate, big oaf. We all are her soulmate, but of course, you didn't believe it when she told you.

- I am sorry Lady Liliana, I thought it was a joke. I hope I didn't offend you !

- Of course not ! I actually thought that everyone was gonna reject me once they find out but apparently I was wrong."

They all look at me like I just said the craziest thing that anyone has ever said. I feel a bit out of place, this is again starting to be akward, no one knows what to say.

" Lady Liliana, come sit on the sofa, you shouldn't have to stay up like this."

So I go to the sofa and sit on his right. Loki is still holding my hand and is sitting on the armrest on my right while Wanda is sitting reassurently behind me on the back of the sofa.

I see Tony coming back in the living room -I didn't know he had left- with a huge smile on his face. Again, he seems very proud of him. I wonder what makes him so happy and I can't wait for him to share the good news.

"What makes you smile like that ?" I ask him

"- I just checked the highschools that are around here and I found a few french ones so now, we only need your mother's approuval and you can come and live here.

- Wait really ! Lily's gonna stay here ? This is so great !

- Yep ! No need to thank me speedy boy."

Everyone seems to cheer, except for me. I also see in the corner of my eyes a certain captain and his assassin friend looking at me with worry in their eyes. I don't want to disapoint them on the first day of meeting them, but I also can't stand to lie about what I think and what I feel. They're my soulmates ! So I decide to speak.

"I don't think I can move in here yet."

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