Chapter seventeen

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I wake up in the elevator, in Bucky's arms.

"- Good morning doll.

- Hey Buck... Sorry I fell asleep.

- No problem, I fell asleep too. I kinda just woke up... Am I comfortable enough ?

- Yep, can I stay in your arms ?

- Sure... Want some breakfast ? I can put you back to bed if you want."

My stomach starts growling.

"- Nice to see you awake too. What's your stomach's name ? He seems eager to talk.

- The name of my stomach is Stomach and he sometimes talks a bit too much. But I have to agree with him, otherwise he doesn't stop."

We both laugh and finally arrive in the livingroom where most of my soulmates already are. Bucky walks to the table a sits me there and takes a place on my left after mumbling a quick "Good morning".

"- Hi, everyone. Did you sleep well ?

- Better than you, princessa.

- Not true... We just had a lot of fun. By the way, do you like the cake ?

- It's very good, princess.

- Bucky and I made it.

- When ? You spent the entire day and evening watching movies.

- We woke up in the middle of the night because we were hungry, soooo... We made cakes.

- And why were you on the rooftop this morning, sweetheart ?

- Good morning to you too Tones. We went there to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful.

- As I said, hopeless romantic.

- Not sure you're much better Buck."

We finish breakfast and I go to my room to get dressed. Today is sunday and I still have some homework to do : history and french. It should be easy as I'm french so it never takes time to do the homework and I LOVE history, it's soooo interesting.

When I'm finished, I look at the clock and realise that it's almost time for me to call my friends which reminds me that I no longer have a phone. So I decide to go to the lab and ask Wanda with my puppy eyes if I could borrow her phone since she has the phone number of a few of my friends.

knock knock knock

"- Come in !

- Hey, princess. I have your friends on the phone, they told me that you didn't call them yesterday ans they're a bit worried.

- I forgot to say that my phone's broken, sorry.

- No problem, we're gonna take care of that immediately. Here, they've been waiting to hear your voice.

- Thank you Wanda.

- No problem, princess."

I take the phone and here we go.

"- Hey, comment ça va ? (= Hey, how are you ?)

- Il s'est passé quoi avec ton téléphone ? (= What happened with your phone ?)

- Il est cassé et j'ai complètement oublié d'en parler avec les autres. (= It's broken and I totally forgot to talk about it with the others.)

- Y a des rumeures d'un truc qui se serait passé vendredi... (= There are rumors about something that would have happened friday...)

- A propos de quoi ? (= About what ?)

- C'est plutôt à toi de nous le dire. (= You tell us.)

- J'ai trouvé mon dernier âme-soeur dans des conditions particulières mais à part ça... (= I found my last soulmate in some pretty weird conditions, but otherwise...)

- Des conditions particulières ? (= Weird conditions ?)

- Je vous envoie tout ça part message dès que j'ai un téléphone. (= I'll text you everything as soon as I have a new phone.)

- D'acc'... (= Fine...)"

I hear someone knocking and entering my room. It's Tony. I guess Wanda told him about my phone...

"- Hey, sweetheart. Wanda told me about your phone, why didn't you tell me about it before ?

- I forgot... With Bucky's arrival and everything I completely forgot, sorry.

- I'll make you one for tomorrow max, don't worry.

- Could you, possibly, repare my old phone just enough so I can have acces to my notes ? Pwease... Puppy eyes activated along with my cute face...

- Only if I can have a kiss.

- Why are you waiting for, lover boy.

- Wow, wow, wow... Forgot that we're here ?

- Wait until after my kiss."

Mmmmmhhhhh. I love it when he kisses me...

"- Stark, you do realise that this girl is a hopeless romantic ? And THIS is your firts kiss ?! Are you kidding me ?!

- Ilona, calm down, it's not our first kiss.

- When was it ?

- Yesterday morning after she told me that she loves me.

- SHE WHAT ?! STAAAAARK !!!! She wants all of her first times to be romantic... And a romantic first kiss comes after YOU tell HER that you love her ! Only afters those first times you're alowed to be kinky and hot...

- It can be romantic and hot.

- Wait, hold on, what do you mean by "kinky" ?

- You had to ask, didn't you ? Ilona, you will not say anything else about this.

- Well... Go on wattpad and search what she's been reading.

- ILONA !!!! You're dead.

- Not until the next time I see you.

- To find what exactly ? Except for the fact that she's a 100% innocent...

- Hahahahaha !! Lys, an innocent persone ?! That's probably one of the best jokes ever !

- OKAY FINE ! You had your fun. Now I have to go, I love you.

- Love you too !"

I hang up before she can say anything that could be embarassing, well more embarassing...

"- Well... That sure was interesting...

- Of course you find it interesting... Can't help it, can you ? 

- I love you too, you know ?

- I know, I feel it through the bond and you show it to me everyday..."

He kisses me and leaves the room, after wishing me a good day. It surely started very well.

Less than three hours later, Tony comes back to my room with two phones in hand : my old one and apparently the new one, that sure was quick.

"- Here you go, sweetheart. The old one can still function but the new one is far better. It shouldn't break as easily, and it's far more protected... If I had to describe it in one word, I would say... perfect, just like the one who made it !

- Sure, Tones... Come here so I can thank you properly."

Yep, I reward him with kisses. Is it stupid ? Yep ! Absolutely ! Do I care ? Nope !

"- We called a 'family meeting' so we're kinda all waiting for you.

- Sure, I'll be right here, just the time to tidy my desk real quick."

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