Chapter three

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That next morning, I had slept through my alarm and the girls apparently hadn't made enough noise to wake me up. In the end, Edmond was the one waking me up. After not seeing me go down for breakfast and with Lou and Ilo telling him and Eden that I had slept through everything, he had taken pity of me and had gone to wake me up. When I finally got down for breakfast, I felt everyone's eyes on me but brushed it off. Couldn't be that important.

"Nice pyjamas Lils. Is that what you're gonna wear today ? Lucky us ! Oh and your hair looks terrific, quite literally. Smile for the picture, I gotta send that to your mom, she's gonna love it !"

Fuck ! Well, at least that explained the looks.

"Eden, I hate you."

"I think I'll live."

"Ilona and Lilou, you are officially the worst best friends in all of the multiverse."

But still, I laughed alongside them, especially after seeing the pictures Eden had taken. They were honestly hilarious. No doubt they would be used as memes. Yep, that bad.

"I have to tell you guys something."

"Oh damn, is it bad ? You're not actually mad at Ilona and I for not waking you up are you ?"

"What ? No ! I couldn't care less about that, no. It's... something else, something that happened yesterday."

"Does it have something to do with the fact that you were weirdly quiet yesterday evening ?" inquired Edmond.

"Yeah..." Deep breaths, deep breaths "I kinda met one of my soulmates..." My voice was barely a whisper.

"YOU WHAT ?!" Damn you Ilona and your discretion.

"Shhhhhh ! Ilona, I don't want the entire world to be aware of that. I'm not telling you guys much for now, I'll text you the details when we're on the bus."

"But how ? We were with you the entire time, did we walk past them, did w-"

"Ilona, please, not now. It's bad enough as it is believe me, and I really don't want anyone else to hear."

"Okay, fine. But you better explain, and don't you dare leave out any detail."

"I promise."

The others had been quiet and it was making me a bit nervous. Should I have called for an emergency FaceTime ? Then I felt Ilona's hand on top of mine, her thumb rubbing calmly on top of my skin. On my right, Edmond had placed his hand on my back and was rubbing soothing circles. When I finally decided to look up, Lilou and Eden were smiling fondly at me. They're not mad.

We finished eating quickly, and I got dressed even more quickly. The teachers hadn't told us about what we would do that day, but it had to be comfortable to do sports in case of needs. So I put on the only jogging that I owned (I probably owned more actually, I just didn't know where they were or if they existed because I was never wearing them), with a basic tank top. As much as I've always loved to dress up for practically any occasion, sports was not one of them. Ever. Never. Nope. A jacket was also a must. I had not spent the last month being healthy after being sick for twice that long before that, only to get sick again. Nope, not happening. And then the back bag. The most important part of it all. Water, check. Snacks, check. Toiletries, painkillers, bandages and makeup, check. Sunscreen and cap, check. A book, check.

"I'm all good, what about you girls ?"

"Yep, I think I'm good too. Do you need me to bring more pads for the day Lils ?" wondered Ilona.

"Nah, should be fine. We got some more yesterday evening so I got plenty in my bag."

"Good, then we're all set then."

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