Chapter twenty

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I step into the room again and Steve closes the door. He then comes behind me and wrap his arms around me. I feel safe...

"- Come on, you're almost falling asleep in my arms.

- Not my fault that you're so comfy.

- Comfy ? Really ?

- What ? You don't like it ? It's a compliment.

- I know darling, I was just a bit suprised. Come now.

- You're the one with the arms wrapped around me like I'm gonna fade away... Oh shit. You don't believe that I'm gonna leave you, right ?

- It's just that... I never thought that I would meet you. When I woke up, I thought that I my soulmate would be dead. But I found you, but...

- But...?

- But you're so young, and you have people like Wanda and Pietro who are so much younger than me, and...

- I love you, Steven Grant Rogers. I truly do. This is one thing you will never have to worry about.

- I love you too darling.

- I like it.

- What ?

- When you call me 'darling', I like it.

- Darling...

- Don't tease... I thought we were supposed to sleep 'cause I have school tomorrow.

- You're right, let's get some sleep."

We get in bed and I have to say that Steve is an amazing pillow. We don't talk for a while but I know that he is still awake too.

"- Something bothering you darling ?

- Don't think so...

- You're lying, I know. Maybe talking about it will help.

- It's a bit embarassing...

- I won't judge, I'm not Stark.

- Why don't you like him ?

- Nice try but you won't escape like that.

- It was a genuine question.

- I know, I'm just annoying... Now, tell me what's bothering you."

Can I really tell him ? I never thought that any of them would look at me with lust in their eyes, because no one ever wanted me. It's nice to see such gorgeous people attracted to me, but... I will never be enough for them... How could I ? I'm useless : I don't have very high grades ; I'm not that interested in science like Tony and Bruce ; I'm a mortal who will die soon enough and will hurt Thor and Loki ; I'm not strong like Steve and Bucky ; and I'm boring...

"Don't cry darling, it's okay, I'm here..."

It's only now that I realise that I'm crying. So I let it all out. I'm not sure if I should but I guess it's too late now. Steve helps me calm down and soon enough, my cries calm down.

"- Whatever you were thinking about, I'm sure it will be better if you express it.

- I just don't understand how I can be your soulmate. I'm a basic girl, I'm a teenager with nothing extra...

- You don't need to be "extra", whatever you mean by that. We just want you to be yourself. You're kind and caring and you are so much more than  you can see... You are pretty, and smart...

- But I'm an average teenager ! You guys are superheroes ! And I... I'm just... I'm just me.

- So... You're scared because you think you won't be good enough ?

- I know I'm not enough... I mean, you guys have to share me ! How unfair is that ? You guys deserve someone who will only love you, not someone who also loves ten other people ! You deserve so much better... So much better...

- But we only want you... Liliana, darling, look at me... please. I only want you, and no one else. You are enough. And I'm glad that I have to 'share' you with the others, even if it's with Stark. Because I can make sure that they won't hurt you, and there will always be one of us who will be there to protect you. An I know that we can count on eachother to protect you. You stick us together. Thanks to you, we comunicate with each other. Thanks to you, we're a team, a real one."

I only nod in his chest, listening to his heartbeat. What he said to me helps a lot, even though I'm still scared.

"- Thank you Steve. It helped a lot.

- You're welcome, darling... And... I'm sorryforearlier...

- Sorry for what ?

- You know exactly what, darling..."

Of course I do, but there's nothing he should be worried about.

"- So, you're talking about when you were probably jerking-off because I had made you hard and didn't even realise it then you told me some of the things that you needed to tell me without realising your were completely naked ?

- Yeah... that...

- That was hot."

Oh shit, I think I broke him... Too bad...

"- You think that was hot ?

- Well, yeah. I didn't think any of you could really think about me this way. I was a bit suprised, but it was in a good way..

- I meant it when I said that I wanted you. But I also meant it when I said that I would wait for as long as you need...

- What if I want to, you know, not all the way, but...

- I'm not inside your head, darling, I need you to tell me what you want."

He had to say THIS ?! 'Tell me what you want' ?! Oh my god ! He definitely has no idea of what that does to me... I mean come on ! Do you know how many times I've read about people telling this and dreaming about one of my soulmate doing the same... Gosh... 

"- What if I want to make out and maybe go a bit further but not all the way, would you... consider it ? And what if suddenly, I realise I'm not ready, wouldn't it bother you if I ask to stop ? And...

- Whatever you need to be comfortable. If you want to make out, we can make out. If you want to go further, we can go further. If you want to stop, I will stop immediately. And if you think you are ready, we can go all the way. But I just want you to be comfortable and okay with what I would do to you.

- Would you guide me ?

- If you want me to."

I stay silent for a bit and think. Do I really want this ? Yep. Do I trust him ? Obviously. Do I want this ? I already answered that question and it's still a yes. But of course, I'm not sure ! If I were, it wouldn't be fun... note the sarcasm.

Actually, I'm not sure that I want this, I think I need this... Here goes nothing...

I remove myself from the comfortable position I was in, Steve following the movement with a worried expression on his face. I straddle his lap and hold his face with my hands. 

"So gorgeous..."

He smiles, and slowly, presses his lips against mine...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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