Chapter fourteen

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Tony leaves the room, and I... I have (again) no idea of what I should do.

"- Anyone wants some breackfast ?

- It's almost midday.

- Cool, that will only make more food for myself."

Yeah, I know, my escape plan is not really good, but when you're in this type of situation and you're actually starving, this is the best plan ever.

I can feel everyone's eyes on me while I eat, but I decide to ignore their stares. It's a bit complicated but I think I manage pretty well.

When I'm finished, I go back to the livingroom and sit down on the couch.

"- No one's gonna tell me what happened earlier ?

- You heard Stark, there's nothing more to say.

- You're wrong Steve...

- Lys, Bucky's my soulmate, I can't leave him like this ! I can't let him be taken from me again.

- Why didn't you reject me ? Why did you accept me ? You shouldn't have...

- I'm not sure. But why shouldn't I accept you ?

- I'm a monster.

- Oh, please ! I'm not gonna have this talk with each and every one of you ! You. Are. Not. Monsters ! I don't even understand how you can think this of yourselves. You people are amazing, really. Everybody makes mistakes. The thing is that you have such a huge role to play in this world, every mistake you have done, and every mistake you're gonna make, will be considered at least ten times worse.

- I'm not like them. I kill people for a living.

- Do you have a choice in that matter ?

- You don't understand, I...

- Do you have a choice ?

- No... But

- I don't care, it's not your fault if you don't have a choice.

- Tell him that.

- Tony's hurt. He's greiving again. You have to let him some time.

- He rejected me...

- He rejected... Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on... Tony's your soulmate too ?! That's amazing !

- It's not, he rejected me.

- Not for long. He will soon understand that you are not responsible for his parents' death.

- But...

- You. Are. Not. Responsible. For. Tony's. Parents'. Death. End of discussion. I'm gonna talk to him."

Before anyone can stop me, I step inside the elevator and go down to Tony's lab. I'm stressed, it's gonna be a difficult discussion. I finally step inside the lab where I can see Tony crying in a corner of the room.

I go to him and sits on his left, then hug him. Tight.

"- I'm sorry Tony. So sorry.

- Why did it have to be him ? Of all people, why did it have to be him ? It could have been any of their agent, but no, it had to be him.

- Hydra hated your dad for creating the serum.

- But they managed to create a supersoldier on their own, so why come after my parents after all these years ?

- Maybe because they wanted revenge and the best way that they found was to take someone your father knew and that they had changed and...

- And make him kill my parents. He killed my mom.

- You know it's not his fault Tony. I have no idea of what you're feeling right now, and I hope I'll never have to know, but you can't blame him for what he had to do. You know he didn't have a choice, right ?

- *sight* Yes, I know, but it still hurts like a bitch.

- I know, Tones, I know. But do you think that rejecting Bucky will make things better or easier ? Honestly Tony, do you think it will make the pain go away ?

- Of course not, I just didn't know what to do. I still don't actually. I wish I could hide forever.

- I don't. I'd miss you too much.

- Nice one sweetheart, nice one. What should I do ?

- 'm not sure... Maybe apologize to him ? Accept him as your soulmate ? Talk about it with him ? But do somthing that comes from you. Cry if you need to, but don't forget him. He's been through hell, don't forget it. So listen to what he has to say, comfort him, let him cry if he needs to, don't yell at him, try to understand him... You know, the basics.

- It may seem like it's basic to you, but it's new to me.

- And don't forget Miss Potts.

- What about her ?

- Well, since she's also your soulmate, you also have to spend some alone time with her.

- She's not my soulmate.

- Wait, what ? But everybody thinks that she is.

- No no no no no ! Ew ! Gross ! Me and Pepper ?! Never !

- Well sorry to tell you that the entire world believes that the two of you are soulmates... Well, since you're not with her, you can focus all your attention on Bucky.

- What about you ?

- I'm not going anywhere don't worry. I just think it's more important if you focus on him first. Ready to stop hiding ?

- Nope !

- Too bad, we're going back up right now.

- Can you stay with me ? You're good with words and I'm terrible at it. And you're kind and passionate, and you're patient and...

- And you should try. You have to do this alone. I can come after but you have to do this by yourself, it's important.

- *sight* Fine.

- Let's do this."

I just hope that everything will work out. Steve will be very overprotective, which I can understand, but it might pose a problem. Tony seems too scared to try anything that isn't in his comfort zone and this is defenitively not something that he's used to.

Let's just hope for the best...

Unfortunately, I may have to prepare myself for the worst...

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