Chapter thirteen

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I wake up with puffy eyes from crying. No one is with me anymore, Pietro left. He probably had some more important things to do. I hope everyone is okay. I, being my selfish-self, didn't even think twice before drifting into sleep. I should have checked on them first.


I hope he's okay, I hope he's safe, I hope we can help him, I hope...

knock, knock, knock

" Come in."

Bruce comes in, a sweet smile on his face. He's always taking care of everybody else,  but he still believes he's a monster. I haven't been able to make him change his mind on this subject. He's not the only one to believe that. Most of them do, and it always saddens me. I mean, they're all such amazing people, it pains me to see them hurt.

"- I'm glad to see that you're awake.

- What time is it ?

- Around 2 a.m

- Bruce, you should be asleep, what are you still doing up ?

- Well, I had to check on you.

- No, you don't have to. But, you have to get some sleep.

- I can't... Not right now anyway...

- Then, can you stay with me tonight ? I'm scared of having a nightmare...

- Of course I'm gonna stay."

He gets in my bed and hugs me tight. 'If he cannot sleep, maybe I can help a bit'.

After a while, none of us can sleep so we start talking. I talk about my life and he talks about his. At some point, he starts talking about science, some project that he has but is a bit scared to work on. I don't understand a thing about what he's saying but he looks so happy to talk about it that, of course, I let him go on. I even try asking him a few questions and he tries to answer them, but I stil don't have a clue about what he's talking about.

"- You don't understand what I'm saying, do you ?

- I'm terrible at science, so no. But it's really nice to see you being so passionate about something, I don't mind.

- Loki's right, you're always so kind with everyone.

- You think so ?

- Yep. We all love you very much, you know. You're who we've been waiting for. We all are so glad to have you here with us...

- I'm glad to be here too..."

We talk for a bit longer and then we both fall asleep. 

When I wake up again, the first thing I hear is Tony yelling something. I get out of bed quickly and make my way where everybody, including Bucky, is here.

"- Ummhh... What's going on ?

- He's a murderer.

- He didn't have a choice Tony.

- I don't care. He killed my mom."

Tony's crying. Bucky looks ashamed and Steve is ready to kill Tony if he gets closer to Bucky.

"- How did this happen ?

- Wait, you're not gonna take his side to ?!

- I'm not taking anyone's side but if all of my soulmates can stay alive, then I'd like that very much.

- What's complicated to understand ? He killed my mom !

- Tony, I think that you should calm down. We can talk about this later today, or even another day. Okay ?

- Fine. If anyone's looking for me, don't.

- I love you."

Everybody freezes. And they're all looking at me. Shit. Did I do something wrong ? Should I have said something else ?

"- What ? It's true after all. I just... I just... I just...

- You just ?

- Well... I mean... I love you all, of course, but I thought that maybe you really needed to hear it right now, so, yeah..."

Tony comes back to me and kisses me. Like a real kiss. The kind of kiss you read about in books and the one you dream about later. You know, that kind of kiss. Right now, nothing matters. I just feel him like I never have before, in a way that only makes me want more. But we soon go back to reality, in the living room, where everyone is looking away.

Did I make them jealous ? Probably. Maybe I have even hurt their feelings. I have to do something, but I don't know what. As usual.

"- Sorry...

- You don't have to be sorry for anything, we just need to adjust, it's normal. Don't worry about it princessa.

- You sure ?

- Yep !"

Well, maybe I didn't screw up that much. Even though I still feel bad, they seem okay with it, but I have to be careful. They've been hurt so many times, I can't just do whatever I want, and expect them to accept it.

But I have no idea how I'm gonna be able to deal with the winter soldier problem. I can't take anyone's side and I can't have my soulmates hating each others guts. This is getting so complicated already... How am I gonna be able to not hurt any of them ? At least I'm gonna try !

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