Chapter six

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The doors of the elevator opened and Loki and I step out. That's it, I'm gonna die. My friends and teachers are pacing in the hall, and they're definitely pissed off. So yeah...

"They haven't realized that we're here yet ?" asks Loki.

"- Nope but as soon as they do, I'm dead.

- LILIANA ROY ! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU.... Oh... You met your crush... YOU'RE STILL LATE YOU DUMBASS !!!" Well, that's not exactly what I had planned but Lilou is quite unpredictable. She, like the others, always find a way to embarrass me.

"- What's a crush exactly ?

- You do not want to know, believe me...

- Why are you blushing ? Are you feeling well ?" Oh no. This will not end good for me.

"Wow Lys, looks like someone cares a lot 'bout you... Wanna tell us more about whatever it is that's going on ?" Ilona's gonna be the death of me. Why can't she let go ?

"Well, your friend and I are soulmate."

Oh. My. God.

Why did he have to say it ? Now everyone is staring at me, I hate being the center of attention in this type of situation. I'm not ashamed of being his soulmate, I could never be ashamed of that, but only my best friends and a part of my family know that I have more than just one soulmate.

There's a loud noise that comes from behind me and I realize that a few of my marks start to burn. I hadn't realised it when I met Loki for some unknown reason (probably because I was so lost in my thoughts) and I didn't really have time to register anything when Thor appeared.

"Oh no..."

Loki just spoke and my thoughts cannot go further as a man just appeared in front of me. What is wrong with them ? Do they want me to have a heart attack ?!
I recognize the man as Pietro Maximoff a.k.a Quick Silver.

Wow. He really is handsome. Wait, hold on, why is he coming so close to me, what is he... Oh... He's just hugging me. It feel nice. And he accepts me ? Wow, I'm definitely lucky. But it's going fast, too fast, I feel someone else hugging me and then another and another. How many of them is here?

" Hum... Guys ? She needs to breath you know ?"

Who talked ? A woman, I know her voice, where is she ? Who is she ? I'm asking myself too many questions, it's going to fast and some of my marks still burn. It's going too fast, way too fast... and I can't breathe. Why can't I breathe ? I have to breathe, humans need to breathe to live. Am I dying ? No, no, no, not dying... Not when I'm not sure who my soulmates are. Why is no one helping me ? Why is no one helping me ?!

'Calm down, you're okay, you're okay...

- Who...

- Wanda. I'm your soulmate too. You just have to know that you are safe. None of us is here to hurt you. Your breathing is already better. You're just having a panic attack, but it's okay. You're safe.'

Okay. I'm gonna be okay.

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