Chapter four

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  I don't exactly know why, but at that moment, I wanted to hide. I know I haven't done anything forbidden but I felt like I didn't belong here. It wasn't my home, what right did I have to come here ?

"Who's there ? I can feel you, show yourself."

  I know that voice, I'm just not sure about the face behind it.

"I said : show yourself !"

  So that's what I do. I was hiding behind a bookshelf so I move to my left, to reveal myself to the man who just entered. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was not this.

  In front of me is standing a tall man with black hair and emerald green eyes. I recognize him but I'm frozen in place, I'm unsure of what's happening to me, I just can't look away. I can't think or blink or speak, I'm not even sure that I'm still breathing.

  I don't have time to think, I'm suddenly surrounded by a body... He's hugging me. I think he's saying something but my brain can't register anything for the moment. He seems to realise it as he steps away, and, for some reason, I wanna be hugged by him again, I don't want him leaving me, ever.

  As I start realising, the man in front of me isn't really a man. He's Loki, the god of mischief. He tried to take over the earth because of someone mind-controling him.

"You're..." I can't believe I'm facing an actual god

"- Your soulmate ? Yes. I know it must be a huge disappointment and I'll totally understand if you choose to reject me, but just know that I won't. Reject you I mean. I won't reject you. I'll protect you, or at least I'll do my best, so, yeah... You... You're not saying anything ? Are you feeling well ?

- So that's the connection or weird feeling that I'm feeling ! Wow...

- Is it a good wow or a bad wow ?

- A good one of course ! But, you're not disappointed ? I mean, I'm just a human... euhh midgardian..."

  He stares at me in shock. And I panic. Did I say something bad ? I'm confused, and scared, we only just met, and I already fucked up. Great.

  Right now, I wanna hide somewhere, I hate myself for deciding to go into the library. What the hell was I thinking ?!

"- You're afraid that I could be disappointed ?

- Yeah, I mean , you're a god and I'm just... me. I'm not special in any way. I'm not super smart or brave or funny or even pretty. I'm just my annoyingly normal self.

- I still don't understand why I should be disappointed. I'm the monster that tried to take over your planet. Why haven't you rejected me yet ?

- You're gonna be the one rejecting me. I may or may have not a few other soulmates... And I fully understand that you don't wanna...

- I know about you having other soulmates. Thor is one of them and I heard the captain is too.

- Hold on, hold on. Who told you you're a monster ? It wasn't your fault for the New-York events, everyone knows it. Don't blame yourself for that, people have already forgiven you."

  We just stare at each other for a while, and then it happens. We let our fears and insecurities behind for one small moment and we accept each other. The filing is incredible. So many emotions in just the blink of an eye. It's a pure chaos and yet it feels so right. Not everything is in order and I can feel it, but a hole that I didn't know existed in me just filled itself. It's probably weird, but, just like that, I already feel like I can say and do anything I want and he'll always be there.

  Now it's time for the 'getting to know each other session'.

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