Chapter twelve

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A little later that day, my mom called me back, telling me it was probably safest for me to stay with my soulmates. She sounded heartbroken when she called me, it probably wasn't the decision that she wanted to make. 

Telling my friends was hard and I spent the rest of the week enjoying my time with them because I knew that I wouldn't see them much afterwards. I was to stay in New-York while they had to go back home. Saying goodbye was hard, harder than I thought it would be.

Right now, I'm alone at the Tower, my soulmates had to go on a mission. Steve's other soulmate and best friend Bucky is under some mind-control and they need to help him. According to Steve, he's my last soulmate. It scares me a bit. Not the fact that he's an assassin, but the fact that, just like Loki, he didn't have a choice. He's hurt and I can't do anything to make it better, yet I want to.

I'm a bit lonely whithout my soulmates, I miss my friends deeply, even though it's only been two weeks. I miss my mom and dad too, just like I miss my (very anoying) sister. And I can't help but worry. I'm worried about everyone, including that boy that I saw at school. I couldn't get his name right, but he's being bullied and I wasn't able to do anything. It saddens me. The boy seemed sweet. I really hope I'll be able to help.

I go to this school called Midtown High. It's clearly a school for genuises and I'm not one but now, I no longer read during english classes but during french ones. And since Tony's the one who took care of my inscription, I could burn the school and wouldn't be expelled anyway.

The Avengers left five days ago and it's hard. I can feel their anxiety sometimes, or their fear. I know that Clint got hurt, I felt it. But before they left, they also told me not to worry too much about him getting hurt, it was usual.

No matter how many times they called to tell me that everything was okay, I'm still anxious. I try not to be, I don't want them to worry about me, they have some more important things to do. But my marks start to fill me with anxiety. Suddenly, my phone rings.

"- Hello ?

- Lys, please tell me you're at the tower.

- Of course I am, why ? What's wrong ?

- Nothing, everything's fine.

- Don't lie to me Pietro, I know something is wrong, I can feel it. Tell me.

- We know Bucky's mission.

- It's about me, isn't it ? Hydra knows that I'm his soulmate and they want me.

- How ?

- I'm not dumb. But I trust you. And even if they do manage to take me away, I trust you, you will find me. I'm not that scared.

- You're not the only one who can feel the other's emotion. You're terrified.

- Pietro, I'm gonna have to hang up. I'll see you soon I suppose, but remember that I trust you, okay ?

- Wait Lys, what's going o..."

I can't hear the end of it. My phone is thrown away and it breaks. I suppose that it's him. I wonder if his task is to kill me or if it's just to bring me back to his superiors. Either way, it terrifies me. How could it not ? He's here, in front of me. He's only wearing black clothes, and I can see many weapons, like knifes, or a gun. I can't see his face, well not all of it. He's wearing a mask. 

I don't think I'm afraid of him, no, not of him. But I'm scared of Hydra. I don't want him to kill me. Because I don't want to die, which I think is a bit understandable. But, it's also because I know that they will all be hurt by my death. I don't want them to be hurt. I don't want to be the reason of their sorrow. I don't want him to hate himself for killing me. 

I think that if his task was to kill me, he would have already done it by now. He's been standing there for too long already. Maybe he feels it too, maybe he knows that we're somehow connected. I don't move, I don't speak. I don't blink too much and I don't breath too loud in fear of him taking me away.

"- I have to take you with me, but I don't want to. Why ?

- We.. we a... are soulmates. May... maybe... maybe you f.. feel it too ? Do.. do you know... do you know who you are ?

- The Winter Soldier.

- No. No, that... that's not... that's not who you... who you are.

- Then who am I ? How do you know me ? Who are you to me ?"

I'm petrified. 'Breath in, breath out. You can do it Liliana, you can do it.' Here we go.

"- Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. It's the first time that we meet, but I've heard of you. You're my soulmate and we share one too. I... I know it sounds weird, and probably desperate but Steve... he's your best friend.

- Someone's coming. We have to go, now. 

- Wait ! Please ! I wanna help you ! Please, stay here... I... we... we can help you... please." 

He doesn't listen and drags me away, out of my room. But I can feel them, they're close. 'Please help me. Please let me be saved !" We can't go far, because we're soon face to face with my soulmates. Steve is petrified. He starts shaking but still manages to keep a neutral face. Well, as neutral as one can keep on, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"- Buck ?

- Who the hell is that ?

- It's you. I told you you're James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone close to you calls you Buck or Bucky. I should have mentioned that, sorry.

- It's me Buck... Steve. I'm still the same. I'm... It's me... I'm your friend... I'm your soulmate. Bucky... it's me... Don't you remember ?

- If you step any closer, I'll have to shoot her. It's either I bring her back, or I kill her.

- If you kill me, it'll hurt. You'll get hurt, and they'll get hurt. We... maybe we can help you... I told you we could, please. Please don't hurt yourself and don't hurt them, please...

- Move out of the way or I kill her, last chance."

But no one moves. That's when I realise that Pietro is not among them. Did he get hurt, is he okay ? 

I don't have time to ask myself anymore question as I'm taken away from Bucky back to my bedroom, so fast it can only be one person...

"- Pietro...

- Shhhhh, don't worry, you're safe, I'm here, I'm right here.

- Please, stay with me, I don't want to be alone.

- I'm here, I'm right here, everything's okay. You're safe. I'm here, you're okay. Everyone's okay, we're all safe and evrthing is gonna be alright. I'm staying here, and you're gonna take some rest until the others are finished, okay ?"

I can't answer anything, I just break down, as tears start to flow. I cry more and more each second, and I'm not even sure why. It feels like I'm no longer sure of anything, so I just cry. Pietro's holding me tight, repeating again and again that I'm okay and some other stuff. I'm not sure how or when, but I fall asleep, maybe a last ressource to get away from everything.

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