part 1-New School

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Jinjing was 16 at this time who goes to a school who is not like her at all they are all normal not her tho, jining has powers magical powers and the school is scared of her. One day she was at school but she had expose herself to the entire school and that Is how they hate and scared of her.

The day of her exposure-
Jining was talking to one of the bullied that was being mean to one of her friends.

J: leave her alone! Yanying!
Y: why? Is it because she's your friend.
J: yes! Please stop it.
Y: get out of the way freak!

She got pushed and she fell on her bum and yanying continued to bully her friend she stood up and try to stop her.

J: stop it! Stop it!

Yanying then turn and slap jinjing she then got mad and the whole floor crack everyone scream jinjing looked down and heavily breath yanying, her friends and the entire school was looking at her.

J: that...that wasn't me I swear..

Then as she pull out her hands a gash of wind came out yinyang fell and everyone again scream cause her wind was strong she close her plams.

J: no I didn't mean to do that..
Y: monster!

Jinjing was sad and thats when everyone started to look at her and her friends leaving her. She went home crying.

J: daddy! Everyone hates me now! *crying* I didn't mean to expose my powers like that! I just got mad and now I lost all my friends. I want them back! *crying*

Her dad bend down on one knee to her height and moved her hair and wipe her tears.

D: don't get mad okay?
J: why? Why would I get mad at you dad?
D: well I know things have been hard snice mom left us.
J: because I'm not like her?
D: it was not your fault that she left.
J: but it is....she left because I have powers and you too.
D: I know, but I am going to transfer you.
J: what?! But dad I'm turning 17 soon I can't leave this school and all my friends.
D: well you did say your friends left you because of what happened.
J: yeah.
D: but this school well changed your life.
J: why?
D: its the best school. You'll love it.

Jinjing sigh and nodded.


Jinjing pov;
I just turn 17 and I have transferred to this new school a school that I don't know and never met before, I hope my dad was right about this school. If it's for me and making lots of friends, I doubt that...I don't need friends. But I have ruin my family's life my mom left us when I was a kid and I remember the look she give me that day. Summer was great dad had taught me how to control my powers and he taught me how to defend myself which was so helpful. Thanks dad your the best.

Jinjing put on her uniform and looked at herself and sigh.

J: this doesn't look that bad at all.



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