part 4-Mom

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Windy stepped back alittle because she was afraid of jungkook, he then walked closer to her slowly she click her tongue and glared at him.

W: you may have her! But you'll regret this jungkook.

She walked away with her friends, jungkook sigh and turn to felix and jinjing they were looking at him, felix looked away jinjing was just confused jungkook walked over shoved felix away, grab jinjing by the arm and stood her up by pulling her close she gasp they look each other in the eyes for a long time until felix got jealous he stood up and push jungkook away from her, jungkook put his hands up.

F: don't touch her.
J: felix...

Jinjing grab him by the arm, jungkook smirk.

Jk: hey look I just protected your guys ass I should get a thank you.
F: not from us. And also we didn't need your help, we could protect ourselves.

Jungkook just scoff and nodded later walked away, jinjing sigh felix turn to her.

F: are you okay?
J: yeah.
F: let's go get some ice.

They walked over to the nurse office and jinjing had got ice on her head where windy had thrown the apple. Jinjing looked at tfelix and smiled.

J: hey I'm okay.
F: I well walk you home today if your dads busy.
J: hmm he is and thank you.
F; I don't want jubgkook driving to school and driving you home, he can't be tursted.
J: but he is going to be in our team and missions are assigned to us tomorrow.
F: I know.
J: and you well have to get along with him.
F: geez I hate him.
J: me too.

They sigh and jinjing just keeps thinking of jungkook pulling her close to his body. She put away the ice pack and looked at him.

J: let's go to class.

He nodded. Jungkook and jinjing had pe together she sigh in annoyed because he's in the same class.

T: alright guys pick a partner you'll need to do this with a partner it's stretching out the muscles.

Jinjing sigh and looked around to find someone until someone grip her Arm and it was jungkook.

Jk: your my partner.

She was even more annoyed. Later they stretched together, they did the arms lock, one partner bends over with the over over their back which is stretching their back. Jungkook did it to jinjing.

Jk: gosh your light.

Then jinjing did it to him.

J: and your heavy!
Jk&J: ah!

He was so heavy for her and she had weaken her grip and Fall so they were on the floor others looked at them, she hit him.

J: why fall on me?!
Jk: yah! Your the one who fall and You almost broke my back!
J: and you almost broke my legs! Your to heavy for me!
Jk: well you gotta be stronger.

She scoff and then they heard their classmates laughed at them, they looked a them then look at each other and chuckled. Meanwhile on the other hand felix was in the hallway window and sees them laughing together with their classmates. Later after class jinjing was done changing and walked out passing jungkooks friends.

Jm: I did not know they were in the same pe class.
T: same. But I fell like pe is the only class that doesn't let us use our magic.
Jm: yeah but whatever.

They saw jungkook came out with his school suit.

Jk: what?
T: we did not know jinjing was in your class.
Jk: well she walked out many times you guys didn't see her?
Jm: nope.

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