part 5-Mission

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It was the next day and jinjing got dress and walked out and there she sees fleix outside her front gate she smiles and ran to him.

F: morning.
J: morning
F: ready for our first day for our mission?
J; im so ready.

Felix smiled and chuckled but he couldn't stop thinking about yesterday that he saw her with jungkook in pe class laughing with him, his smile dropped and she looked at him.

J: what?
F: nothing let's go.

They made it to school and there everyone was looking at her she was confused and there sees jungkook who was smirking at her with his friends

Jungkook then saw them walking with his car and he smirk then speed pass them, jinijing widened her eyes.

F: damn that jungkook.
J: its fine. Who cares.

They walked all the way to school and when they got there they saw everyone looking at her felix and jinjing was confused why and there they see jungkook smirking and glaring at them with his two friends by his side they were even more confused then jinjing whisper to felix.

J: why are they looking at me?
F: no idea, but keep your cool they might attack you for having multiple of powers.
J: ok....

Then jungkook walked to them and there all five of them was face to face looking at each other, jinjing still sees everyone looking at her.

J: what?
Jk: looks like our team is the one getting the hardest mission today.
F: what?
J: ....

Felix shove jungkook away he temple and push his cheek with his tongue jinjing pass him and there they see their team felix widened his eyes.

J: what does fog mean?
F: its the fog enemy....he's powerful.
J: but it's just fog.
F: yeah but he also has lighting which means fog and light makes-
J: explosion.

Felix nodded his head.

J: I guess it's really gotta be a hard mission for us.
F: yeah if they don't make mistake.

Felix glared at jungkook them. Later they were in class, and the teacher came in.

T: alright looks like team 10, uh...jinjing, jungkook, jimin, taehyung and felix are fighting the fog guy who is the most powerful. I'm expecting you guys come back alive.

Jinjing and jungkook them stood up and bow.

T: hopefully you guys can get this wanted villan.
Jinjing pov: wanted?
T: you guys will be leaving tonight, meanwhile the others are gotta leave tomorrow snice you guys get the easiest enemy.

Everyone growl.

T: look at least none of you guys will get killed. Class dismissed.

He walked out and jinjing sat down, jungkook came to her and kick her chair.

J: yah...
Jk: hopefully you don't die.

She sigh and looked at the widow.

Jk: look I'm talking to you.
J: and I don't care what you have to say because I know you will chicken out.
Jk: what you say!

She stood up immediately they jump jungkook wasn't expecting that from her jinjing glared at him.

J: we are a team and if you want to fight? That well never happen because guys can't hit girls.

Jungkook scoff she smirk, grab her bag and walked away.

Jk: damn...

Jungkook just smirk and scoffed, jinjing walked out and there infront of the classroom stands Wendy jinjing looked at her because she was with her friends.

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