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scarlettroseyou are cute586,189 likes | 1,809 comments

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you are cute
586,189 likes | 1,809 comments

stellawest absolutely gorgeous <3
scarlettrose you have my whole heart

fan my parents had ONE job 😔
scarlettrose you are beautiful the way you are remember that
fan this is too sweet. thank you :(

madisonbeer GODDESS
scarlettrose i love you so much
user THIS DUO 😩
user if they were to beat me up.. i'd be fine with it

user *flips hair* well thank you

user when i get plastic surgery i'ma show my surgeon this

madelyncline have my kids pls
scarlettrose gladly baby
hichasestokes i'm standing right here 🧍‍♂️
scarlettrose sorry chase it's too late now 😛

scarlettrose oh ok.

amandamiller WOAH THERE HOT STUFF 🥵
scarlettrose says you hottie pants
amandamiller i will tackle you with my love
scarlettrose oh.YES

— stella love🫀

stella love 🫀

scar rawr 🦁

stella love 🫀
we are so funny
we should start our own comedy 🎭

scar rawr 🦁
i agree we should
we would be ✨LIT✨

stella love 🫀
hella yeah we would
so do you want to get food?
i'm starving my ASS over here

scar rawr 🦁
girl we live in the same apartment
we have food in the kitchen

stella love 🫀
don't remind me pls
i don't want to hear it

scar rawr 🦁
oh im sorry
actually im not :)

stella love 🫀
aren't you so lovely 😍😍😍
well i'm hungry and in need of FOOD

scar rawr 🦁
come in my room


I hear the sound of foot steps making it's way towards my bedroom. Stella walks in my room with her phone in her hand as she search's for food. I was in the middle of doing some stuff on my computer which would be finding a movie to watch.

Stella lists some places we should grab for dinner. There was this one place that recently opened up near our apartment, so we decided to try that out. Stella suggested we should take her car.

The drive took us five minutes tops. The line to order was kind of long but it was worth it in the end; the food was delicious and I know i'll be coming back whenever I'm feeling their food. stella and I found a spot in the back of the place as we waited for our food.

"This place looks so cute!" I smiled, setting my purse on my lap.

Stella and I started talking about the plans we have coming up tomorrow; one of my good friends, Madelyn Cline, invited me to her place tomorrow night to hang out with her and some of her friends she wants me to meet. Stella's boyfriend, Josh, is coming to visit her for a couple of weeks and plans on moving in with her.

When our food arrived to the table, we started eating from being really hungry. We had a really good meal and the place was fantastic. Stella and I got the same thing to eat. We finished eating twenty minutes after we got our food and drove back to the apartment.

"That was so good Scarlett" Stella groans as she talks "I could go tomorrow for it" She said buckling her seat belt.

When we got back to the apartment, we cleaned the apartment a bit and moved stuff around to do something different. We had music playing in the background from Stella's speaker.

"Wait move this plant by the window" i said pointing to desk by the window that gives out a great view of the beach and palm trees with the sunset setting.

After a half an hour of moving furniture around we moved everything in new places to make it feel brand new again. Stella and I both look at each other then the couch that sat in front of us— We let our bodies fall on top the couch, closing our eyes, finally feeling relaxed from re-organizing the apartment.

"It's already ten" I sighed, running my hands through my hair and grabbing an hair tie from my right wrist to put my hair in a low pony, leaving my baby hairs by my ears hang down.

Stella and I sat in the living room for another thirty minutes just talking about random stuff and went into our bedrooms to get ready for bed. I walked into my room, changed into comfortable clothes, then headed to my bathroom to do my nightly routine.

Once I finished doing my nightly routine, i turned the bathroom light off and headed to my bed that waited for my presents. I grabbed my charger cord from my small dresser that stood by my bed and plugged my phone in to charge for the night.

I was on my phone for a bit, scrolling through my tiktok for you page before i go to bed. I started to feel my eyes get droopy from being on my feet for half the night. I turn my phone off, setting it on the small dresser and getting cozy under my covers and falling into a deep asleep.

author speaking

first chapter of this book guys! i hope you like it and i know it sorta short but i'm somewhat new at this.

give me your thoughts <3

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