- six

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Today's the day Drew and I were going out to dinner. I'm gonna have to be honest, I'm extremely nervous for tonight. I spent the whole day figuring out what i'm going to wear. For the past couple days, Drew and I have been texting back and forth about life and plans for tonight.

i have some place in mind.

Drew said he has this place he likes going to and thinks I will like it too.

Stella and Amanda were in the kitchen making themselves dinner while I was cutting strawberries before heading out the door. Amanda walked over to my right side, nudging me with a grin.

"Are you excited to go out with Drew?" She asks with excitement.

"I'm honestly nervous and excited at the same time" I explain, "I haven't been on a date since my last relationship and you two already know how that ended" I said rolling my eyes at the last sentence.

"Well just know you have us to call if anything goes wrong" Stella adds turning around to put the onions on the pan.

"We want you to have the best night of your life and come back with the biggest smile on your face as you walk into that door" Amanda says with honesty.

"You girls are the best!" I said with a pout.

Fifteen minutes go by, I was sitting on the couch waiting for Drew and on my phone texting my mom about the dinner with Drew. My mom is so excited for me cause she knows I will tell her more about it later.

There was three knocks on the front door. I got up from the couch, set my phone on the counter, and walked to the door. The way Drew looked as i opened the door, I wanted to scream.

Us three girls looked at each other and squealed jumping up and down. They made a moving hand motion with their hands for me to go to the door.

I take a deep breath before unlocking the door. I open the door to drew in black jeans with a white t-shirt and the jean jacket. Don't get me started on his hair now. I wanted to run my hands through it so bad.

"You look beautiful" Drew smiles, opening his arms for a hug, I let my body melt into his as his arms wrapped themselves around my small frame.

"Thank you Drew" I smile.

"You look handsome" he looks down at his feet, with a slight blush in his cheeks.

He smells the food coming from the kitchen. Asked me who's making dinner, I explained that Stella and Amanda are cooking themselves dinner while we go out.

"Drew is here girls" I said walking into the kitchen where the girls were putting their food on their plates. They both said their hey's to him then went back to their food.

"Well are you ready for dinner?" He asks after checking the time, "I have reservations for the restaurant at seven thirty" He speaks.

Drew and I walk down to his car in the parking lot, he takes his keys from his pocket, unlocks the car, swoops in-front of me to open my door. The way my heart melted from the kind gesture.

can i just cry?

he is so sweet

this is the one

what am i saying, its a dinner

So many thoughts going through my head in the moment. I just couldn't believe this was all happening. I haven't been on an actual date since my last relationship and we don't talk about that man.

The drive to the restaurant hasn't been so bad. Drew had Mac Demarco playing on his bluetooth. the sun roof rolled down, and the set ahead looking gorgeous.

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