- eight

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The next morning, Annalise and I were woken up from the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen. We let ourselves wake up for bit then got on our feet to the kitchen. The food looked so yummy on the table. My mom and dad have always made Sunday morning breakfast since we were little. The three of us girls always looked forward to Sunday mornings.

Taylor couldn't make it this morning cause she was out of town with some of her girlfriends.

"Good morning girls" My dad smiles as he sets down the plate full of fruits on the table. We walk to give our parents hugs and grab our plates that were laid out on the counter.

Once everyone's plate was full we sat together with the windows opened and the birds chirping from the outside. The cool breeze coming through made the moment nice.

I stayed at my parents house for another hour then drove back to my apartment to clean my room and relax with my cat mimi.

The apartment was silent when i walked inside but it's also around nine in the morning and Sunday's are usually the days where we sleep in till whenever.

I walked down the hall quietly so I don't wake up the girls. first thing I did when I opened my bedroom door was dropped my keys and phone and to my bed. my eyes felt tired so, I fell back asleep.

𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐛𝐲 🦆


drewby 🦆
good morning!
are you free today by any chance?


scar rawr 🦁
hii good morning :)
sorry, i just woke up but i have to
clean my room then i'm free after that

drewby 🦆
no worries
perfect, does 1:30 work for you?

scar rawr 🦁
yes it does hehe
also when do you leave for barbados?

drewby 🦆
aw missing already when i
haven't even left yet 😘

scar rawr 🦁
no comment there mister 😐

drewby 🦆
you'll miss me, i'm sure if it
i leave in two days actually
just checked my calendar

scar rawr 🦁
that came by so fast
i remember last month when you
told me about filming the new season and flying out there

drewby 🦆
crazy to think we're filming
season three though too 😳

scar rawr 🦁
i agree too
rafe has a new look again with the hair huh 👀

drewby 🦆
maybe he does
you have to wait when you see me

scar rawr 🦁
ooo cant wait to seeee

Drew is going to Barbados to film season three for Outer Banks. He has talked so much on how excited he is to be filming again with the cast and they are all there too at the moment.

"That seems like so much fun!" I giggled at how Drew explained what plans the cast has together.

"When you saw me your jaw dropped because I'm back to a buzz cut for this season" he adds in with a small chuckle leaving his lips, shaking his head as my jaw dropped.

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