- seventeen

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Hazel texted me in the morning on what time I can go to her house later. We haven't seen each other for two weeks— She told me she's been better since the last time we saw each other.

I was in my room getting ready for the day— I decided to wear jean shorts with a cute black long sleeve crop top and gold necklaces that was given to me for a gift from my dad. I only put mascara on instead doing a full face, it's getting hotter out.

I got to Hazel's house within ten minutes. I walked up her stairs, admiring the newly flowers planted. Clicking sound of the front door opening with Hazel having her beautiful smile plastered on her face with open arms.

"I've missed you."

"Impossible sweetheart" she giggles, "I've missed you more" She playfully rolls her eyes, letting me inside the house.

The inside had a different look to it from the last time. She did so many changes with her house it amazes me the way her mind works with these types of things. I walked over to the couch, taking a seat, leaning back to relax.

A chuckle leaves hazel's lips watching me get comfortable on the couch. She goes into the kitchen towards the cabinets for glasses to pour ice and water. She comes in with glasses in both hands, carefully set them down on top of a napkin so it doesn't leak through the wooden ottoman.

"Thank you madam" I thank her in a british accent.

She gasps dramatically, mouth slight open, right hand on her chest, leaning back, "oh why you are welcome" she replies back.

Hazel leans back into the couch with her drink in one hand and phone in the other, "we have to do something fun today" She says before taking a long sip of the cold water.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Let's go see the what movies they have in theatre and we'll go watch one of them? sound good" She says typing on her phone, assuming she's looking for movies.

I sit on the edge of the couch on my phone scrolling through for you page on tiktok— I come across a video talking about a picture of Drew then on of my pictures popped up.

The tiktok is about drew secretly being in an relationship with me when we are literally not even in that stage yet, we are in the early talking stage taking things slow. But, got to let the fans get suspicious for once.

I laughed at some of the comments, shaking my head.

bro they have to just date at this point

imagine what their kid is gonna look like

oh to be scarlett right now 🥹


yall know that photo from her story the other day? that has to be drew 😩

"What are you laughing at?" Hazel chuckled.

"This tiktok about Drew and I" I explain.

Hazel mentioned a movie that would be fun to go see instead of staying at her house. We printed the tickets out instead of paying for them once we got to the theatre. She insisted she'd drive instead of me because I drove to her house.

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