- twenty three

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August 28th, 2022

For the three months, I've been on a tight schedule with work and photoshoots for certain brands. Drew has been in and out of California and Charleston to come visit. Both of our schedules are totally different so we try to find a good day to talk or see each-other.

Back in July, Drew flew me out to Charleston for three days. We went on a beach date on the third night and he asked me out with roses and candles lit up on the sand. Since then, we've been happy ever since. Telling our close family and friends was the cutest because their reactions were the sweetest and accepting.

Everything in my life has changed since I started dating Drew. People close to me have noticed slight changes in me that are positive. Drew has made me see things and feel things that I haven't felt in a very long time. He's changed me for the better.

We decided to not tell social media about our relationship. It's freshly new and we want to keep in private.

There things we want to keep to ourselves and do things together without having photos or videos taken of us. The trip to Charleston wasn't bad to where fans noticed him and I together. Half the time we were with some of the cast at a club or bar.

Drew has given me the run down on what could possibly happen when we announce our relationship. Drew has given me a lot of reassurance with things fan will say to me.

     I'm currently at my apartment on my computer replying to emails regarding to work. I haven't been doing work lately cause I had a small cold for a couple days. I tested negative for covid.

Now that I'm feeling much better than the other day, I decided to take myself out for a cup of coffee near downtown. I spent an hour there relaxing and enjoying my time alone.

I played music off a new playlist i made while I was sick. I laid in bed with my eyes closed, enjoying the music. Even got to watch old disney movies too.

When I made it back to the apartment, I went to my room and cleaned up the mess that's been sitting for a few days. Let's just say I became really lazy while I was sick.

Annalise and Vinnie stopped by the apartment for a little bit to catch up on a few interesting things. Vinnie joined 100 thieves about two months ago and is enjoying every moment of it. Annalise is working a lot more with her YouTube career and making a name for herself.

"When will you announce your relationship?" Annalise curiously asks while Vinnie looked at me, waiting for what I have to say.

"We both decided that when we see each other next, we'll drop some hints. No one has suspected of us dating yet but there's been a few here and there" I explain.

"The world will flip when they know too" I add.

What I mean by that is with Drew being in the spotlight and getting recognized wherever he goes, fans will immediately want to get into his personal life. He doesn't want to put his personal life out there. For one, relationships.

The two nod in agreement.

"You got a point Scarlett, you will get used to the fan bases tryna get into your relationship. But, in the end, Drew and you control what goes on" Annalise spoke honestly.

For the rest of the time the two spent at the my apartment, we watched a movie and got take out for dinner. There's a good Chinese restaurant down the street that makes delicious food.

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scarlettrosemiss me?729,451 likes | 2,096 comments

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miss me?
729,451 likes | 2,096 comments

madisonbeer you make me question myself
scarlettrose can i add how i feel the same?
  user just f^ck already

hichasestokes you are staring into my soul 🥺
scarlettrose do i scare you CHASE
  hichasestokes maybe a LITTLE 🤏

user stare into my soul please

madelyncline sweet baby jesus 🥵
scarlettrose i'll lick your face
  fan are we interrupting something?

hater nah i don't miss you ugly
annalisewilson you good bruh? touch some grass

fan drew is so lucky
user drew? as in starkey?
  fan you didn't know about them? rumor has it they're 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

authors note
first off, i'm sorry i haven't been active as much.
i just got back into school and focusing more on that.
i'll get to writing more when i get the chance.

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