- thirteen

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Everyone has been doing their own thing for the past couple days. i'm going to the batman premier in two days, i'm glad i am given the opportunity to walk on a red carpet for this movie. i just cant believe this happening to me.

my dad was jumping up and down when i told him the news, he loves batman and the movies. all he could talk about was batman. i had told people close to me instead of posting it on my socials.

i was sitting in my living room at my parents house with the windows open to let the breeze come inside. my mom was making in the kitchen with annalise making a dish my mom found on pinterest. my dad is on his way from work and taylor is passed out on the couch from work.

"scarlett could you help annalise real quick with cutting fruits?" my mom asked as she scanned through the ingredients.

placing my phone on the ottoman, getting up from the couch, and walking over to annalise handing me a knife and cutting board.

my mom told us she was making pasta she found from pinterest and knew we were gonna love it. annalise and i wanted to see what the pasta looked like online and it looked yummy.

i was finishing up cutting fruits with annalise when we heard the front door open which revealed my dad walking in with a smile on his face. he gives us all hugs and kisses on the forehead.

"i have good news to tell you girls" he claps his hands, smiling with excitement.

he takes a deep breath, "i decided to have family come over tomorrow and something special will be announced that i know will make you all happy" he leans over to our mom, kissing the top of her head.

taylor, annalise, and i looked at each other trying to figure out what this surprise could be with having family over. we knew it was something to keep an eye out on till the day comes.

an half hour later, dinner was done, we ate at the dinner table together, and the food was amazing. we thanked my mom for the delicious dinner and she thanked us girls for helping with. throughout dinner, we talked about our day, what we did, and planning this weekend.

as time went on, i helped my mom do the dishes while the rest put the other stuff where it came from. my mom nudged me with her right hip, making me jerk to my left a little.

"how is drew sweetheart?" my mom asked with a slight chuckle leaving her lips.

"drew is currently in barbados filming with the rest of the cast, he told me he's been having an amazing time" smile forming from my lips which catches my moms attention, "you are blushing scar" she awed.

"he won't be back till this weekend too" i add, shutting the washer machine.

"from all the talks about drew, your dad and i can't wait to meet him some day" my mom hugged me with her warm hugs whenever she is happy about something.

eventually, i had to leave my parents house back to my apartment where my crazy roommates awaited me. i said my goodbyes to my parents and sister then headed out the door to my car.

when i arrived to my apartment, i walked into brand new leds around the walls changing colors, and music playing from our speaker in the kitchen. stella and amanda voices were heard coming from the hall. i made my way down the hall, into my room, setting my things on my bed and into amanda's room.

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