- sixteen

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Us four girls were in the laid out on the couch passed out the next morning. We didn't wake up till noon either. madison was the first to wake up out of all of us. shortly after, I woke up in a comfortable position.

"Oh, good morning" I smiled in madison's direction where she laid on her side, phone in her hand typing away.

She looks up from her phone from the sound of my voice, turns her phone off, setting it down by her pillow. She tells me good morning with a bright smile across her face.

We look at Madelyn and Carlacia to see if they are about to wake up from their sleep. Madison and I got up from our positions to fold the blankets and place them on top of each-other. In the middle of folding, the girls opened their eyes, stretching their arms out, yawning.

"Alright we have this out and we are missing one more thing" Madelyn had her pointer finger on her chin, looking around the kitchen trying to figure out what she's looking for. We are in the kitchen making breakfast together.

"Ah ha!" she quickly went in the pantry when she realized what it was she looking for.

This morning, we are making pancakes, eggs, toast, and fruits on the side to add some yummy into breakfast. We were doing a bit of everything to get breakfast ready. Music playing from alexa by the fridge.

We sat at the table eating breakfast. We were having small conversations regarding to filming in charleston coming up. The girls had excitement in their eyes, you could tell they can't wait. I smiled when I heard about what they have planned coming soon.

"This is so good" Madelyn rolled her eyes as she bit into her bacon. the rest of us hum in agreement.

After eating, we cleaned everything up before doing anything else. I made sure to put the dishes in the dish washer. Basically, we put ourselves in tasks around the kitchen.

Today, us girls wanted to go out for the day. Madison checked the weather today and said it was supposed to be nice out. We did our normal routines, got dressed, and headed out the door by one thirty.

Madelyn insisted we'd take her car since we stayed at her house. All of us are familiar with the area so we knew where to go.

We drove into downtown near madelyn's place. There were small shops that had the cutest things that we like. We walked into one of the shops— They had stuff you would want in your home. I was in heaven here, I couldn't stop looking at stuff.

"This is so fucking nice!" I whispered to myself. I found a painting of various flowers all in one. knowing me, I have a good amount at my apartment.

"Oh yes" Carlacia adds, standing to your left, admiring the painting with me.

We looked around some more before walking out the shop. We didn't buy anything since we have enough stuff already for our homes. Went to the store next door on the right— This clothing store that had dresses you would fall in love with the moment you try it on. Thsmeg are selling other clothes too.

Madison found an outfit she liked and went to the dressing room, Carlacia was busy looking through shirts while Madelyn and I were talking about what we should buy.

"But this one would look hot on you" Madelyn picked up a dress I've been staring at the whole time we've been here.

"Just go try it on" she adds.

I let out a huff, taking it from her hand, walking into the dressing room to try it on.

Once I had the had the dress on, I couldn't help but rub my hands down my curves, moving to my side to see what it looked like. The dress itself fit me perfectly, I knew I had to buy it now.

An hour goes by and we are heading back to madelyn's car. She opens her trunk to put our bags inside, she unlocks the car for us, we buckle ourselves, and Madelyn backs out the car garage towards the exit.

"I had a fun time ladies" Madison speaks up, looking out the window as we drive pass beach.

"It was fun" I reply.

The moment I stepped foot in my apartment, I dragged my feet down the hall into my bedroom. Dropping my bags and phone on the ground without a care. the cool air in my room felt good on my skin as my face was facing smushed on my pillow.

Amanda and Stella were in their rooms cleaning away while I laid in bed for twenty minutes. The looks on their faces when I walked passed their rooms made them laugh hysterically, I flipped them off too.

I felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep but shook my head before getting comfortable— I'm still hung over from last night. I need to drink water and take medicine to keep the headache away too.

"You look amazing" laughed Amanda. She stood in the kitchen cutting onions on the cutting board. She's been wanting to cook more instead of us going out to eat. She even told me three days ago that she's found delicious dinners she think's we'll like.

"That's sweet of you" sarcasm coming out my voice.

I take a seat next to stella on the chair— She was busy typing on her computer she school. I took my phone out my pocket with messages from hazel.

i miss her so much.


hazel bazel 💋
hey babe :)
checking in on you to see how youre doing

scar rawr 🦁
omg hi
i've been better lol
i'm sorta hung over from last night

hazel bazel 💋
let me guess...
madelyn gave you her famous drinks

scar rawr 🦁
they were so addicting though

hazel bazel 💋
the main reason why i texted you was cause
i wanted to know if you are busy tomorrow?
maybe we can hang at my place then eat a restaurant?

scar rawr 🦁
i'd love to hazel
i literally have nothing to do tomorrow

hazel bazel 💋
ayeee that's what's up 😎

scar rawr 🦁
there is so much i have to tell you too
you won't believe it either

hazel bazel 💋
what did you forget to tell me??
we were texting YESTERDAY 😑

scar rawr 🦁
it's better to tell in person 👀

hazel bazel 💋
oh this better be good missy
i'll be on high alert 🚨

author speaking
hi sorry i haven't updated in a bit

this chapter sucks ASS

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