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scarlettrose just posted

scarlettrosestaring contest

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staring contest... GO
528,829 likes | 2,929 comments

fan oops looks like i lost
user omg same here 🙀

madisonbaileybabe LOOK AT YOU 😍
scarlettrose have you seen yourself ?!?!?!?

user please marry me 🛐
scarlettrose i'm married to maddie already.
  user it's okay baby girl no one gots to know 😏

taylorwilson hold the line 😳
scarlettrose what? i know i look cute
  taylorwilson no shit sherlock

hater put some clothes on 😂
scarlettrose i do have clothes on LMFAO
  hater no you don't
    scarlettrose are we looking at the same picture? looks like we aren't. have a nice day 🤎.

user i swear you get prettier everyday

fan so you and drew huh *wiggles eyebrows*
  user bro they haven't met and probs don't know each other too 🤨
    fan i just think they'd be a cute couple

stellawest MY ROOMIE
scarlettrose MY ROOMIE
  amandamiller OMG MY ROOMIES <3

Maddie invited me to her house again today. She said there is someone she wants me to meet and thinks we'll get along quick. I was curious on who it could be so i asked her, she wouldn't tell me but gave me hints.

Now that leaves me here in my room searching for an outfit. My music played on my speaker that is placed on my dresser by my bed. I rummaged throughout my closest and finally found a nice shirt to wear, along with jeans.

The clock read 7:36.pm which meant, I needed to be out the apartment in twenty minutes.

After putting my outfit on, I grabbed shoes from my shoe stash, sprayed perfume on me, then headed out into the hall where Stella and Amanda were.

The two hyped me up as I walked into the hallway.

"So, who's this mystery person you are meeting?" Amanda asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I gotta wait and see" I chuckled.

I grabbed my keys from the key hanger in the kitchen and walked towards the front door.

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