- ten

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As the days went on i made sure i had everything on my calendar ready for the weeks ahead. i had some important photoshoots coming up, painting slash drawing, and the batman premier in a couple weeks, very happy about that.

drew flew out to barbados two days ago, he has been having a great time there. drew sent me so many photos and videos of the beautiful places they have gone to so far.

earlier in the day i was hanging out with amanda and stella in the apartment. we cleaned the inside cause it was a mess, we drove into downtown to look cute shops, and grabbed something to eat along the way. i bought myself a new sketch notebook since the one i have now is nearly out of paper.

when we arrived back at the apartment, i took a quick shower. i turned the shower head on, grabbed a towel, turned my speaker to play music off my phone, then got undressed. i wash my hair before doing anything else and then do whatever i gotta do.

i'm gonna be honest, us three girls had to clean up the whole apartment. we are very good at keeping the whole place clean. this particular week has been hectic for us and never had enough time to clean up but it's all good now.

"annalise did you really tell dad that?" i gasped at the words that fell out of her mouth; she told our dad about her breaking one of the glasses we have had forever and let's just say he was happy.

"the look on his face was priceless yet scary at the time too" annalise was wheezing through out her sentence, i could barley understand a word coming from her mouth.

"bitch i can barely understand you. you keep wheezing" i said waving my right hand around then proceeding to imitate her wheezing.

the two of us were hanging out at her place for a bit. we are catching up on things; told me about how vinnie and her are doing and i told her a little bit about drew and i.

"so have you guys" she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

my jaw dropped, bringing both my hands to hide my face, shaking my head laughing. "no we haven't. we are just taking things slow."

"but he did take you on a date" she claps back, cocking her right eyebrow.

"that's true but we agreed to take things slow before going any further" i reply.

"that's good scarlett. i haven't met drew yet but i can already tell he's a good man for you" she smiles, bringing her left hand to my right hand on my lap.

eventually we made our way to the kitchen to make ourselves a healthy wrap our mom recommend to us in our family group chat. you will need a wheat wrap, chopped lettuce, chopped tomatoes, turkey, guacamole, and any dressing of your choice.

i made sure to pour us water with ice while annalise was cutting the tomatoes on the cutting board. i opened her window by the table to let air in, the breeze felt good out today.

"can you pass me the dressing?" i pointed to the dressing in the fridge, she opened the fridge and handed it to me.

once we finished making our wraps we walked into the dining room to eat.

annalise turned her alexa on from the kitchen to play soft r&b.

we sat on the table for thirty minutes enjoying the food and energy in the room. comfortable silence if what i call it.

we weren't paying attention to time, instead we were goofing off like we always do when we're together. i checked my phone just seeing if anyone called or text.


"hey so it's gonna get dark soon and i have to get work done on my computer" i walked into the kitchen with my plate to rinse off and put in the dish washer. "it was good hanging out with you for the whole day, i love you" i smiled before hugging annalise.

she made a pout with her plump lips along with her puppy eyes she does when she doesn't want someone to leave.

"i love you more and it's always fun being with my older sister" she explained.

she walked me to the door, opens it for me, and walks out to know i'm getting to my car safe.

i love my sister.

i waved my goodbyes as i drove out of the gate onto the road.

as i made it back to my apartment, i made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. stella was cutting herself a banana with peanut butter on her plate.

"how was hanging with annalise?" she asked throwing away her peeled banana.

"um pretty good. we goofed off the entire day and made ourselves the wrap my mom recommended, you know the one i told you about yesterday" i explained.

stella nods.

i made it to my room. i opened my computer and started doing work stuff on their for a bit before moving onto anything else.

it only took me thirty minutes tops.

eventually it was late at night, i was getting tired. i did my nightly routine then hopped under my covers, texted drew for a little bit, and fell asleep.

scarlettrose just posted to their story

vinniehacker replied to your storyshe looks like she's in need of help

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vinniehacker replied to your story
she looks like she's in need of help

she is being held hostage 👍

don't hurt my girlfriend pls 🙏

ugh fine whatever 🙄

exactly missy 😜

fatherkels replied to your story
her merch came in yet omg !!
tell her to text me whenever it's up

no not yet, lol.
she said in a few days 🤝


yess we do 🥰

author speaking

thank you so much for 2k reads, means a lot to me.

sorry the recent stories have been a bit short. i'm planning on making the next couple longer, not to long but good length.

leave your comments down below <3

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