- twenty two

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A week goes by and i can officially say that I'm about to board my plane to Charleston to surprise Drew. This has been in the talks for two weeks between the girls. The plane won't land till 10:30pm.

Madison told me the cast is hanging out together later tonight at one of casts apartment they are living in for the time of filming. She didn't tell me who's place. Madison, Madelyn, and Carlacia are picking me up from the airport.

I had my things with me while I waited for the girls. I was on my phone texting my mom, letting her know I made it off the plane safe. Madelyn sent me a text saying they are here waiting.

"Stop right now!" The sound of Carlacia's voice was coming behind me.

I turn around to Madelyn, Madison, and Carlacia. They came running to me with open arms. We grabbed my stuff and walked to the car.

The drive to the apartment was twenty minutes. Us girls were catching up, things to do, and what they have planned for us for the week. The feeling of being with them again really makes me happy. I don't get to hang out with them often because of our busy schedules. This is good for me,

"He's gonna freak when he see you" Madison giggled, turning her body around in the passenger seat, smiling.

"He's always talking about you Scarlett, it's adorable" Madelyn says, making a right turn out the airport parking lot.

The thirty five minute car ride was filled with us talking. The windows rolled down as music played in the background.

Once we pulled up to the apartment complex, nerves begin to fill my stomach. Drew and I haven't seen each other for a while. I was nervous in all honesty.

The girls gave me reassurance before we walked to the front door.

I think I might shit myself.

I sound so stupid right now

He will be happy to see me

I have nothing to worry about

Before we head to where the rest of the cast was, we dropped my things at Madelyn's place.

Right as we made it to the floor level, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach beginning to grow more and more. I run my hands down my sides, shaking my head, and took a deep breath.

You could hear the sound of Drew's laugh through the door, that made me smile even more. The girls noticed the red in my cheeks and giggled.

"Look who's made it back!" JD pointed with his drink in his other hand. He sat on the edge of the couch bobbing his head to music.

The rest of the cast turned their heads after JD spoke up. When they realized I was behind them, they nearly lost their shit. Running over with their drinks in their hands, nearly spilling not to add.

"Drew is gonna flip when he see's you" Rudy gave you a hug, giving you the I'm happy your are here look.

Chase yelled out for Drew who was in the bathroom. Chase told me to take a seat on the couch where Drew was originally at before I showed up. I placed both of my hands on my lap, biting my bottom lip, looking around the room.

"Yo what's up?" Drew walked in looking good.

The gold chain hanging around his neck was making me feel things. Will never forget the times where I'd randomly play with his chain. Prior to us talking, I could never get my eyes off that chain. It was almost addicting. He knows he rocks the chain, that's why he likes it when I play with it randomly.

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