- nineteen

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As the weeks go by, everyone has been busy with their own things that have to be done. The cast went to Charleston to film for a couple weeks and I went on to the premiere for batman.

Experiencing the red carpet was fantastic and unbelievable. there were so many celebs and few influencers I met while there. I was getting complaints on my look, made me very happy.

This week is coachella and i'm so excited— i'm going with audrey and Annalise is going with her friends. We've had this planned for months now and it's finally happening.

Audrey and I are got this beautiful airbnb near the event— there were other events going on as well. We didn't get to the airbnb around five twenty at night, brought our stuff inside, looked around, then grabbed something to eat.

We woke up this morning at seven o'clock. We made ourselves pancakes with whipped cream and cut up strawberries on top. We already had our tickets with us so we had to walk in the venue.

The two of us sat and talked some more after breakfast, enjoying the view to our backyard and drinking coffee. We got up to wash the dishes and put them inside the dishwasher.

Three hours later, we drove to coachella, got inside quicker than we anticipated, and went straight to food because why not. There were more people coming in moments after we arrived which means, we have to get in line before anyone else does.

we don't want to wait in a long line

but it's gonna happen either way

"i'm feeling a sandwich" Audrey looks around the different food options as we walked looking for food, "that doesn't sound like a bad idea actually" I add.

There was a pretty sandwich shop that was delicious— I was in love with the sandwiches here. they are a small sandwich shop that had been open for a few months now and were invited to come here.

Audrey and I got something off the menu instead of ordering our usual orders. We wanted to try their sandwiches and let me tell you again, they were so good I could eat another one.

Once we got our food, we found a shaded patio area to eat our sandwiches.

Audrey and I were in the middle of conversation about our sandwiches when a group of three girls came up to us.

"Excuse me, are you scarlett?" a young voice asked.

"Uh yes that's me" i smile back, dabbing my napkin around my lips.

"We saw you were here and wanted to get a quick picture with you" one girl said, "if you don't mind" she hesitantly adds, eyes bigs, both hands in front of her body.

"i don't mind girls."

My heart was racing in the moment— I barley have these interactions happen to me and now that it is, I don't know how to act. there's things I don't wanna say or do that make them look or think of me weird.

I know it's from hanging out with madelyn and drew for sure. Once the photo from my story got around, more followers and fans I got.

I get up from my seat, walk between the three girls, and take the group photos— we took ones of us smiling and funny faces.

"Thank you so much scarlett. you look beautiful today" the third girl says with a kind smile.

Throughout the hours of us being at the venue, we walked around a bit, took some rests here n there, saw some friends along the way, and had the most amazing time of our lives.

"Bitch harry styles is playing" Audrey screamed when she saw the crowd start to form by the stage.

I stop my tracks, jaw dropped, eyes big, then turning my body to my right to face her, "excuse fucker we are going now!" i squeals.

People were lined up in the front by the stage waiting for harry to perform while the rest came up making everything crowded.

I saw Annalise, Vinnie, and their friends in a group in the crowd talking with themselves and fans wanting to take pictures as well. Both of us walked between people, saying sorry, cause they can get upset over things like this.

"Oh look who is" Vinnie said out loud, putting his hands in the air with them balled in a fist.

"Hi vinnie, how are you?" I laugh, giving him a side hug.

"I'm doing great" he laughs, "just waiting for mr harry styles to come on stage."

The moment harry stepped foot on stage everyone in the front, lost it, including me. I have been dreaming of this moment my whole life after not seeing him from his recent tour. I screamed my lungs out. Audrey was on my right capturing everything on video with her camera. The energy around us grew higher and higher every time.

Once the night ended, we drove back to the house— completely tired and ready for bed but we had to change, take our makeup off, bruh teeth, then bed time for us lovely girls.

scarlettrose has posted

scarlettroseanyone hear of coachella ¿👤 audrey2fly638,277 likes | 3,475 comments

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anyone hear of coachella ¿
👤 audrey2fly
638,277 likes | 3,475 comments

fatherkels that trunk in the back 👀
scarlettrose have you seen yours? 🫣
  ⤷ hater there's nothing there
    ⤷ fan youre mean.


user you make me question my sexuality
scarlettrose good to know 🤘

audrey2fly i have the best photography skills man 😩🤲
scarlettrose you sure do 😍

annalisewilson you smell
scarlettrose at least i didn't look crazy today
  ⤷ annalisewilson are you tryna say i didn't look PRETTY
    ⤷ scarlettrose uh yeah i am🤪

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