- twenty one

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Coachella was an absolute blast. Yet, when it came to artist playing, no one was dancing or singing along to the lyrics. It was more of them not doing anything really. Kind of disappointing to say the least.

Audrey and i were having the time of our lives. There were friends that we hadn't seen in a while come hang out with us. Amanda was there as well with her boyfriend. Everyone around was having a good time. Vinnie and Annalise were with their own friend group the whole time but we got to see them for a bit.

The night before we left, Audrey and I cleaned up the Airbnb for an hour— It's not that we trashed the place, we wanted It to look nice when the owners come back to check it out. We watched a movie on the tv before bed.

Driving back was a hassle too. I couldn't stand the traffic either. We didn't leave the Airbnb till 7:45am. We stayed in there for two hours and eventually made it back home before dark.

The moment we made it to Audrey's, we immediately went straight to her bedroom and plopped on her bed— As you can tell, we are pretty tired from sitting in the car for a couple hours.

I stayed at her house for an hour then decided to make my way back to my apartment. I said my goodbyes and told her I'd text her when I make it back safe.

"Sweet home" I speak to myself as I took a nice deep breath of the beautiful smell of my apartment.

The place was empty. Only meaning I'll be alone. I had bags wrapped on my left arm while my right arm was struggling with turning the hall light on— Here I am, leaning backwards, trying not to fall, and switching the light on.

Drew and I have been moving things faster now that it's been a few months of us talking. We are calling, texting, and face timing any moment we have to catch up with what's going on in life. Drew is still in Charleston filming— He's sent me photos of videos of places he loves and recommends me whenever i go visit.

Speaking of visiting. For the past couple days, I've been texting in the group chat with Madelyn, Madison, and Carlacia about surprising Drew. They say it's a good idea. My plan doesn't leave in two days so it gives me enough time.

Here I am, in the living room on the couch, scrolling through Netflix. Stella was grabbing snacks from the pantry for us and Amanda was to my right. We didn't know exactly what we wanted to watch till Amanda brought up Bad Moms Christmas.

"This movie is so funny" laughed Stella.

"I love how we are watching a Christmas movie when it's not even close to Christmas. I love it!" Amanda chuckled, biting a piece into the licorice.

Halfway through the movie I feel my phone buzz on my lap. Drew texted me.

drew 💌

hi gorgeous
i miss you so much

hi drew
i miss you too
how's filming going??

that's impossible 🙄
it's been fantastic. being back on set has been
so much fun.

i really do though
i love hearing that drew! i can tell youre having a lot of fun.

hopefully you come visit so i can show you around
if you don't have anything planned already

i'd really like that 🤎
i can check my calendar when im finished with the movie
i'm watching with stella and amanda

i hope i didn't interrupt you guys
what movie are you girls watching?
keep me updated :)

bad moms 2
pretty sure you've seen it at some point
if you haven't, you NEED to watch it

We continued to text for a bit before he let me get back to the movie. I leaned back on the couch letting out a small yawn.

The rest of the movie went on with us laughing and copying certain words from the movie. We made small conversation during certain moments.

Then, bedtime was calling our name after. Our eyes wanted to close before making it to our beds.

Stella bumped into the wall making her way into her room and Amanda couldn't help but laugh.

I did my night routine in the bathroom then to my bed. I picked my computer up from my dresser to buy my plane tickets for Charleston. I decided to visit Drew and cast for a week.

The girls and I have already made plans for when they pick me up from the airport. They specifically want me to surprise Drew at a house party they'll be having at JD's apartment.

Once I got my plane tickets all settled, I let the girls know when my plane leaves and lands. I was feeling a bit tired. So, I slowly closed my eyes and passed out like it was nothing.

I couldn't wait to see Drew and the cast. We hadn't seen each other in a few weeks now and spending a whole week with them is gonna be a blast.

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