- three

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I woke up around eight this morning— I laid in bed for a bit to wake up then eventually got on my feet to my bathroom to do my daily morning routine. When I finished washing my face, I made my bed, opened my shutters to let some light in and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning gorgeous girls" I softly said putting my hair in a messy bun.

"Good morning shorty" Amanda said with a mouth full of strawberries in her mouth almost choking in the mid of speaking.

"You needs to sallow your food Amanda" Stella laughs shaking her head.

I grab cereal from the cabinets— Pouring the cereal in and pouring the milk in last. I took a seat by Stella and sat across Amanda.

The three of us sat at the table eating breakfast, talking about our plans for the day— I have to go to my parents house later, Stella and her boyfriend are going to the beach, Amanda is going to see her niece at her sisters place.

After eating breakfast, I rinsed my bowl, putting it in the dishwasher, then walking back to my room to get ready for the day ahead of me.

Today I'm wearing leggings with a baggy t-shirt I bought from Tilly's last month and white vans I found in my closest.

My mom, pearl, needed me to come by for a bit to help her with some things around the house and grab something to eat after. The drive to my parents house isn't that far from my apartment.

When I arrived to my parents house, I saw my mom on the drive way with the garage open with music playing in the background from the speakers that hang up on the wall. She smiled when she saw me walk out the car.

"Hi gorgeous" My mom smiled walking down the driveway with open arms, hugging me tightly, swaying us back and forth.

"Hi mama" I laughed pulling away from the hug.

My mom lead me into the garage, she told me she needed help with gardening in the backyard; growing up I've always enjoyed gardening and she knew I'd be down to help her with that. She said after we are finished, we can go to the local sandwich shop and grab something.

"So here are the flowers I want you to plant over by the pond" my mom said handing me gloves and flowers.

i walked over to the pond, humming a random tune from a sound I heard off a tiktok, swaying my hips back and forth. I set the flowers on the ground then put the gloves on my hands.

Looking back on when I was younger in my backyard gardening, I remembered how happy I was getting the flowers at local flower shops, Getting a small shovel and picking out my own gloves with the biggest smile on my face because I knew how much I wanted the flowers to look glamorous in my front yard.

As time went on, my mom finished her set and realized I was nearly finished on my set. She walked over to me, kneeling to my left with her right hand on my upper back, smiling at me as she noticed me with a concentrated on my face.

When I was done putting all the flowers in their places, I wiped my forehead from the sweat and took my gloves off, setting them on the table where the gardening supplies are.

My mom and I walked in the house to wash our hands real quick then headed out the door to eat some food. My mom said she'd drive and pay for our little lunch date, I argued saying I would pay but she insisted she will.

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