- twenty five

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May 16th, 2023.

Last week, I found out I was pregnant. Words can't describe how excited and nervous I am. Started off with the morning sickness and weird cravings I never thought I'd have before in my entire life of living. Finding out was the hardest because I never saw it coming.

Seeing the word positive on the test had me filled with a bunch of emotions. The last time Drew and I had sex was the night before he left for Europe to film his movie. There's been conversation about having kids in the future but we never talked about having kids now.

This week however, I've been keeping myself busy instead of sitting in my apartment all day. Amanda and Stella come along with me to the studio while I work on my drawings, shopping, reading in my parents backyard, and etc.

I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant, I want Drew to be the one to know first before announcing to close family and friends. Keeping the secret from my mom has been the hardest thing ever for me; I usually tell my mom everything about exciting news.

Drew is in Europe filming his new movie and will come home in two days. Still finding ideas on how I should tell him.

Two days later.

I ran to Target this morning to get a onesie that says daddy's favorite along with a bag, card, and clean pregnancy test wrapped in paper.

I had the gift hidden underneath my side of the bed. Drew didn't text me when he'll exactly be back in the area so I took the opportunity to sleep for a bit. However, I didn't know he would be back so soon because I was woken up by soft kisses all over my face.

"Hi love, I missed you so much" he softly whispers against my right cheek then kissing my neck causing me to giggle.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me, not wanting to let go of him.

"You've been gone for so long Drew," I chuckle, "don't leave me for this long" he laughs in response.

"I promise."

The two of us have a quick moment for a minute then it hits me, I have to tell him the news. I tell him to close his eyes so he doesn't see anything. I set my phone on my nightstand to keep this memory forever.

"Open your eyes" I say as I hand the bag to him.

Drew takes the bag and starts opening it.

Tears start filling my eyes as he picks up the onesie. I wipe the tears off my face as he smiles at the onesie then dips his hand inside for the wrapped pregnancy test.

"You are serious?" his smile starts to creep out, "we are having a baby?" At this point I'm crying now.

He drops everything and pulls me close to his body, I hold onto him tight. He rubs my back softly as he explains how excited he is to be a dad and we are gonna be parents together.

"This is the greatest news I've gotten this whole year, literally" he smiles, grabbing my face and kissing me passionately.

"So, when did you find out?" he asks.

"Last week."

"You are the first person I've told, I wanted you to be the first to know."

He instantly smiles at my response.

"I cannot wait to start this family with you Scarlett. I know we are going to be wonderful parents to our little baby in nine months" Drew explains with excitement.

Two hours have gone by, we are on the couch in the living room talking about how and when we are going to tell our close family and friends because we can't hide it from them forever. We know our families will be stoked to hear about this news because everyone loves getting this type of news. Our friends on the other hand when it comes to this type of news will be crazy because our baby will be the first baby in the friend group.

The social media part will be on hold till we go to the doctors and get more information on the baby. Drew and I are very big on our privacy with family and relationships.

We just cannot wait to welcome our baby and see what this journey will bring us.

Authors Note <3\


For awhile I've been thinking about this one because drew with kids is my favorite and he's seems so good with kids in general. For a few months now, I've had a pinterest board with this book with the baby and everything else that comes with this story.

If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know guys!

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