XX. Gaslight

750 55 36

TW: Guns, shooting, forcing onto someone, death, minor panic attack

You almost gasped when you heard his voice.

"I have to kill you, Mildred." He stated.

"Edmund, you don't have to do anything. Please!" She shouted. You hear a gun being loaded and you burst into the room. Mildred's gaze immediately shoots to you and her eyes go wide.

"Y/N! GO NOW!" She shrilled. Suddenly, the door behind you shut. Charlotte stood in the way and looked down at you with an evil grin. Edmund had a gun held up and tears started forming in your eyes. She suddenly aims the gun at you.

"So THIS..." He says as he shoots it in your direction, making Mildred squeal. "...Is the poor little girl you took from Lucia. You saved her but you couldn't save me?" He asked with tears starting to fill his eyes.

"Edmund, stop pointing the gun at her." She said through clenched teeth. "Please Edmund I won't be able to move on." She begged with tears spilling out of her eyes. He slowly turned the gun back to Mildred.

"I loved you, Mildred. I trusted you. We've been through so much this is the only way I can put an end to both our trauma." He said. "Which is why I have to kill you."

"NO!" You screamed and grabbed the gun, then pulled the trigger, shooting Edmund in the leg, making him scream in pain. Mildred quickly takes the gun from you and shoots him in the chest. Three times.

You throw your hands over your mouth and gasp at the sight of his limp body, gasping for air. Mildred gets on the ground next to him.

"I've always been the better sibling Edmund. My love for you always had its limits. This passed it."

And with that, she shoots Edmund in the head with a sharp breath. All of a sudden Charlotte is wandering, aimlessly around the room.

"Who are you?! You're nothing!" She screamed, pointing another gun at you.

You remembered her episodes at Lucia. Her personality would switch constantly, making her believe she's someone she's not. Mildred quickly aims the gun at Charlotte and shoots her in the head, making you scream. Mildred looks back at you with tears in her eyes and you slowly back up as she comes closer. She bites her bottom lip and tilts her head as tears spill from her eyes.

"Baby. It's okay." She said, holding a hand out to you.

Your hand fumbles behind you to find the doorknob. The second you do, you push it open and run as fast as you can through the grassland behind the villas with your dress flowing around and panic filling your whole body. You didn't get too far before you tripped and laid in the tall yellow grass and felt like you can't breathe.

Your vision went from dark to light then dark again until the only thing that you saw was Mildred's crying face. You felt her scoop you up in her arms and you tried pushing her away but it was no use. You were weak and could barely move.

"Stop trying to fight me! We're getting out of here." She said as you wrapped your arms around her neck and tried not to cry into her shoulder. She ran with you to a taxi that was parked down near the entrance of the hotel and places you in the backseat. She gets in the front and turns the key, starting to drive. You sat up in the backseat and put a hand on your head.

"Mildred where are we going? What about Gwendolyn?!" You yelled but were denied an answer. "Mildred!"

"y/n. Lay down. You're unwell."

"What about Gwen?!"

"We don't need her. You don't need her. You only need me, baby. You belong to me."

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