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Jin played with his food as everyone ate silently at the table. He could feel how stiff Jungkook was beside him and he reached under the table to grasp his clenched fist. It took only a second for the younger man to release his balled hand and take hold of Jin's welcoming hand instead.

They didn't talk much after seeing Jungkook's ill estranged father. They had quickly moved to sit around the small table, Jungkook next to his father who sat at the head of the table. It was either him or Jin and it'd be a bit strange if Jin sat next to Jungkook's own father.

It was awkward to say the least, the atmosphere felt clouded with tension just waiting for someone to break it.

"So, Mr. Jeon," Jin clears his throat, pausing in playing with his food. "How are you liking Seoul? Have you been here long?"

It was an easy enough question to ask at dinner. How long have you been in Seoul? How long are you going to stay? Did you move here permanently? Are you planning on moving back soon?

Not that Jin wanted Jungkook away from his family but he knew it was hard just being in the same room as his abuser. He wanted his lover to build a relationship with his family but by the greeting they had, it was obvious some things have not changed. At least at face value that is.

Jungkook's father eyed him inquizinally, letting the silence stretch out a bit before finally answering. There was a nasty look in his eyes that Jin is well acquitted with since he stopped caring about homophobic annoyances.

"I hate it here. The pollution, the buildings, the noise," He paused to look Jin squarely in the eyes. "The people."

Oh, so he's bitter, bitter, Jin thought, amused.

Jin simply nodded, his smile never leaving his face.

"Yeah, it's not for everyone but I think Seoul has a lot to offer. I personally like visiting the local shrines, getting in touch with my inner peace and all that jazz. It's a great place to go to get all that anger and closed-mindedness out. Maybe even repent," Jin finished cheerfully, going back to playing with his food.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jungkook stiffen even more and squeeze his hand tightly. Looking up, Jin met the underlying hatred in Mr. Jeon's eyes as he curled his lip. His teeth were a dark yellow, it matched the yellow-film color that coated the whites of his eyes. He was sick and still very bitter.

It was obvious that Chae-won had lied. Jungkook's father had not changed but she wanted them to meet at least once before Mr. Jeon succumbed to whatever sickness that has got ahold of him. The lie almost hurt more than the actual situation in Jungkook's eyes.

The awkward tension only increased after Jin's casual statement. This night had just begun and it was already pretty rough.

Jin looked over at Jungkook only to see a stony face staring hard at Chae-won who simply ignored the look. Junghyun played with his food, head down but eyes wandering.

Jin knew he should've prepped for this dinner. Probably should've given Jungkook code words for when it got too awkward and they needed to head out because he sure as hell would be saying it right about now.

The silence stretched on before a gruff voice asked, "How you've been?"

Four heads snapped to the head of the table before turning away causally. Everyone knew who Mr. Jeon was referring to but it was still a shock that he'd care enough to ask.

Jungkook didn't respond right away, buying into the awkwardness purposefully.


It was simple, it was basic, but it said more than enough.

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