Whalien 52

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Jungkook watched as the incredibly handsome man named Jin walked away from them, the sway of his hips doing things to his lower gut. Jin was more beautiful than any of the models his company ever produced and it didn't even seem like he tried. Jungkook couldn't help but stare at his lips when the door first opened; plump, wet and covered in red, it stole his breath. He wanted to know what those lips tasted like or better yet felt like when wrapped around his cock. The image made him blush as his member began to swell at the very thought.

When Tae first told him that they were going to meet up with a potential booty call and his friend, Jungkook had dreaded it. He hated meeting new people, he was extremely socially awkward at times. But one look at Jin, and Jungkook knew he would be on his knees before the night was through and be thankful for being there. He never really pursued men due to his awkward behavior around new people. He hoped tonight will go by in his favor but he was still nervous he would fuck it up some type of way.

"I like strawberries," Taehyung said to Jimin sweetly. Jungkook suddenly had a craving for pineapples.

"Come on, whores. I don't want to remember tonight. Let's go." Jin called to the three still standing at his apartment door. Jungkook wanted the opposite. "Which car am I going to?"

"The black cadi," Jungkook answered.

"You drive a Cadillac?" Jin asked, surprised.


"Jimin! No fuckin' in the cadi! I call dibs!"

"The fuck you do!" Jimin yelled, leaving Taehyung to run after Jin, who is admiring himself in the cadi's side mirrors.

"God, they're just as batshit crazy as you are," Jungkook whispered lowly to Taehyung.

"I know. Isn't it great?" Taehyung said with a proud smile while admiring Jimin's backside.

"I'll let you know tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, huh? You think you getting laid tonight, boy?" Taehyung teased, dragging his eyes away from the two.

If it was anyone else who asked him that question Jungkook would have blushed but he's known Tae for so long that it didn't even phase him.
Jungkook watched the handsome male arguing with Jimin. Honestly, he has only had one one-night-stand before and it had been a terrible experience. After that night he refused to have another and just stuck to relationships that never went past the third month, currently he's been single for half a year already. But even though he didn't have that great of an experience with his one night-stand, he didn't want to let Jin to end up going home with someone else. His mind refused.

"I hope so," Jungkook said quietly.

"Crap, I forgot my phone," Jimin said, turning back to the apartment.

"Hey, get my lube too I forgot it," Jin whispered to Jimin. He actually wasn't planning on having sex tonight but Jungkook was too cute to pass up. The smaller boy nodded and jogged back to the apartment.

Jin walked around the car still admiring it, sure he saw some around the city, but this was going to be the first time he was going to actually ride in one.

"Want a ride?" Jungkook asked as he made his way over to the car. He just had to talk to Jin like he talks to Taehyung and even should go well.

Jin gave him a once-over. "You or the car?"

Jungkook looked away shyly, coughing to clear his throat. The younger male summed up some courage before looking back at Jin and meeting his eyes. "How 'bout both?"

A flirtatious smile spread across Jin's face but before he could respond Taehyung made his way over to interrupt the two males. "What is this? A taco shell commercial? Get in the car, you horny bastards."

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