Lovely Boy

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I can't remember if I ever referred to Jinkook's ages but Jin is 27 and Jungkook is 23 in this fic

As soon as Jin was close enough to the emergency room doors he jumped out of Jungkook's cadi and raced inside the hospital with only one thought on his mind: he was going to hug and kiss Jimin then beat the everloving shit out of him for making him worry so damn much.

Once Jin reached the front desk he barely had Jimin's name out of his mouth when he heard his name being called. His mother stood a few yards away with a worried expression coating her delicate features. She seemed to look even smaller than she already was as she hugged herself. Jin sighed in relief and jogged over to her eloping her in a tight hug.

"Jinnie!" She squeaked as her small body was engulfed by her broad-shouldered son.

Jin pulled back and grasped her shoulders, "Ma, how's Jimin? What happened? Did he binge again? Why didn't he call me? What the doctor say? Why is he in the hospital? Wha—"

"Jinnie, does it look like I got 8 mouths to answer all those questions at once? Calm down, sweetie, everything is going to be alright. Jimin's in surgery right now—"

"WHAT!" Jin exclaimed, not caring that he was drawing attention to himself. His best friend was in the in surgery for God's sake! "He's in surgery? For what! Oh my God—did he-did he cut?" Jimin wasn't know for cutting but who knows what those dark thoughts could lead him to.

"What! No! Jimin just overate and his stomach lining tore or something. The damage wasn't that bad but it could have been worse if the EMTs decided to choose a different McDonald's to eat at tonight..." Jin's mom mumbled.

Jin gaped at her. Jimin really could've died. He could've died while Jin was balls deep in Jungkook! Jin felt disgusted and mentally swore off sex for the next month. He was such a shitty best friend, how could he be with Jungkook while—

"Wait, why would Jimin binge?" Jin questioned aloud.

Someone cleared their throat drawing both Jin and his mother's attention. Jungkook stood a few feet away rocking on his heels awkwardly, looking fascinated with whatever was on the wall next to him.

Jin froze. Jungkook and his mother were about to meet and he didn't even know how to introduce the other man. They weren't dating—exactly? Not to mention not even 20 minutes Jin had Jungkook tied to his kitchen table with an apron shoved down his throat while telling him in vivid detail what he was about to do to him. Plus, the fact that Jungkook might have cheated on the nonexistent relationship they have going was also an issue.

Jin inhaled deeply before saying, "Ma, this is Jungkook. Jungkook this is my mom." Perfect. No ties. No lies. Jungkook could be anyone to him for all she knew!

Jungkook turned and offered his hand, bowing his head respectfully to Jin's mother. "Hello, nice to greet you. I like pleasing your son."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he registered what he just said. Jin watched with big eyes as Jungkook's cheeks turned a vibrant red. Jin suddenly felt a strong need to dive down the nearest sewer, wander aimlessly until he was found by an overgrown rat who took him under his wing, teaching him the art of karate and then unleashing his badassery onto the city to fight crime and eat pizza continuously. Jin knew his ears were as red as Jungkook's cheeks and he couldn't believe he just admitted that right in front of. His. Mother.

Jin's mom brows drew together in bewilderment. "That... is nice to know, I guess?" She reached out a hand to shake Jungkook's.

"That's not wh-what I meant, ma'am! I-I-I was going to say nice to meet you but also nice to greet you—I don't enjoy pleasing your son! Wait, no—I actually really enjoy pleasing your son! We have great sex! He pleases me too—"

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