Blue Desert

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And now he was down a job.

Jin sat on the corner of some convenient store balling his eyes out. He shouldn't have said those things to Bobby. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut for once? He always let his emotions take over and now he was down one job that would only pay a quarter of his rent. Sure, Jimin was helping but even that couldn't cover his lights and gas bills-fuck, with the way Jimin took showers there was no way they would have water next month. Everything was fucked.

Okay, everything is fine. Perfectly fine. We just gotta cut back on some stuff that's all. No more of the fluffy toilet paper, we'll have to go back to the cheap stuff that doesn't clean a fucking thing! But it's okay, it's fine. Instead of using 5 sheets we'll use 3. And for hair-well co-washes are better for your hair anyway, right? Jin hiccuped, wiping his eyes as he tried to sort out what he could cut back on. He needed to look for a new job pronto.

He didn't know how he was going to tell Jimin, he was so embarrassed. But he didn't regret what he said if anything he should've said more to that asshat. But it will be okay. Jin was a hard and reliable worker, anyone would want to hire him.

He sighed as his belly rumbled, he never got to eat dinner last night or breakfast. Jin stood to throw his backpack over his shoulder. The snacks in the convenience store window catching his eye. He sighed in despair, he wouldn't be eating those anytime soon.

Jin made his way down the block not bothering to look where he was going, deep in thought. He was too embarrassed to call Jungkook to pick him up not after he just dropped off not even an hour ago. How could he tell Jungkook he just quit his job after making such a big deal about going? He should've just called off and he would still have a job. Jin wondered if he headed back right now and begged on his knees that he could get his job back. Too bad his pride wouldn't allow it.

Jin paused as he saw a giant coffee cup giving out free cookies samples in front of a cafe. Jin immediately made his way to the coffee cup.

"Hello! Would you like to try a free sample of our pumpkin-spiced sugar cookie?" The coffee cup asked.

"Oh boy, would I ever!" Jin took three samples and stuffed them into his mouth before the mascot could protest.

"Whoa! D'is is d'ah bes cookie!" Jin exclaimed with a mouth full. He put his hand on the coffee cups arm and stared right into the black filter that covered the man's face. He swallowed the rest of the cookie. "Like who made these? They are superb! I have to speak to the baker immediately!" Jin took three more samples and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Look, man, I'm just trying to do my job and you're stealing all my samples-"

"Stealing? Stealing? I'm just enjoying what you offered! For free, might I add!" Jin shoves another two cookies into his mouth.

"If you want more, you can buy a whole cookie inside. Now stop eating my samples, man," The coffee cup said as he moved the tray out of Jin's reach.

Jin pouted but continued on down the street. Maybe he could find another café giving out free samples. He wasn't ready to head back to his apartment yet, it would just remind him of all the stuff he has to put on Facebook Market Place.

Jin wandered a bit further, nowhere important to be. He wanted to text Jungkook to asking him what he's doing on his day off because hey, he now had a day off, too.

He wandered until he came across another café but this one didn't have a coffee cup dancing outside with samplers so Jin decided to check it out inside since he never came across it before. The café had a rustic look to it on the outside. It was small and quaint, wedged between two larger buildings. Different plants hung along the awning that was lite by fairy lights. It was cute.

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