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"Jin!" Jimin yelled busting open the bathroom door, looking very excited.

"Jimin," Jin said calmly staring at the new dark smudge above his eyebrow, "Someone better be dying because if not I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR FUCKING UP MY EYEBROW, YOU BITCH!"

"Boy, chill. Just wipe it off. Anyway, I got news! Change of plans!" Jimin sang, doing a little excited dance.

"What? Oh, thank God! Where are my makeup remover wipes? I'm going back to bed, can you get my Ben & Jerry's--?"

"What? Bitch no! We're still going out! Remember that Gucci store manager that gave me his number?! Well, I've been texting him and look!"

Jimin immediately shoved his phone into Jin's face. Jin stared at the phone for a moment while a picture loaded on the screen. He lowered it quickly. "Jimin, I haven't even started drinking and you're showing me dick pics. Also, Daddy Long Dick fits the guy very well, nice name."

"What?" Jimin asked, confused as he turned his phone around to see what Jin was talking about. "Oh my God. I wasn't showing you that but now that you saw, the name fits, right? Here this is what I wanted to show you."

BbyJ: wat r u up to 2nite????

DaddyLongDick: Nothing much, takin my friend out

BbyJ: omg me 2! My friend just went thru a break up and needs 2 get out lol

DaddyLongDick: so both of u just broke up??

BbyJ: ...yes... were lonely...and im horny...

DaddyLongDick: is that right?? And how are we gunna solve that problem beautiful??

BbyJ: oh I can think of a few ways...daddy ;)

Jin stopped reading after the last text and gave the phone back to Jimin. "I am too sober for this. Just tell me the important part, I don't want to read your sexts."

"Okay, okay. He said he'll take us out to this high-class club in Gangnam instead of the cheap ones we usually go to that smell like cat piss! Since we've both had if rough the last few days, he said. You know what that means? Free food! And sex! The best combo! I get him and you get his friend!"

"Jimin, what stressful breakup have you been through?" Jin rolled his eyes and continued with his makeup.

"I've been through plenty of breakups. Pick and choose, bitch, they've all ended up horribly." Jimin said sassily.

Jin sighed. "What if his friend is ugly?"

"Bitch, who cares? Foooooood! Plus, what are the chances of Taehyung having an ugly friend? He probably only hangs with fellow Gucci models for all we know."

"Or rapists, murderers, cartoon villains? I mean, Bubbles, what if he's Mojo JoJo?"

"I will leave your ass here."

"That's all I ever wanted."

"Shut up and finish getting ready, I'm going to pour us some shots." With that Jimin left Jin to finish applying his makeup.

Jin sighed as he highlighted his brows and applied cherry colored lip gloss to his extremely plump lips. He was strangely excited about tonight, not just because of free food, but to be socializing again. As much as he wanted to deny how the breakup with Minho got to him, he knew he wasn't acting as he normally would. He refused to text or call any of his friends during the last three days which was very unlike him since he was such a social butterfly. Jin pulled back from the mirror to look at his overall face and winked at himself. That bastard had two years of Jin, no way was he getting any more from him.

Jin made his way out of the bathroom and toward his small kitchen to see Jimin twerking aggressively while Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani played from his phone.

"This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!" Jimin grunts along while dropping it low.

"Wow, my worst nightmare has finally come to life," Jin says, with a dull voice.

Jimin hops up and moves to the counter where two shots were waiting. "I think you mean the best dream. And you're welcome." Jimin takes both shots and hands one to Jin, they both clink the small glasses while Jimin says, "To the gays! May this glass not be the only thing to rise tonight!"

"Amen." They throw the shots back and hiss as the clear liquor goes down.

They have four more shots before Jin asks, "Did you call an Uber?"

Jimin shook his head. "No, Taehyung and his friend are picking us up. I gave him your address."

Jin laughs at Jimin's stupidity. "I can't believe you gave a Gucci store manager my address! I literally live in the worst part of Seoul. I can't imagine what his face will look like when he pulls up."

"Well, if he has any bad things to say about it then he can go eat a vagina for all I care. My place isn't exactly the best either."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Jimin squeals in excitement and quickly tries to calm himself. "It's okay, Jimin, you're a bad bitch. You got this." He mutters under his breath as he makes his way toward the door. He is about two feet from the door when he stops and looks back at Jin with a terrified look on his pretty face. "Jin! I can't do it! You get the door!" Jimin stage whispers.

"Oh my God. Jimin just answer the damn door."

"I can't! You do it!" There is another knock on the door.

Jin walks to the door, walking past Jimin, who attaches himself to his broad shoulders, and opens the door. Jimin's phone was still on shuffle and the next song to come on was Love, Sex & Magic by Justin Timberlake, which both boys' thought was fitting for the sight before them.

"Hey, beautiful. I love this song." Taehyung says breaking the awkward silence of all four people staring at one another.

"Hey..." Jimin replies shyly detaching himself from Jin's shoulders to stand in front of him instead. Jin looks down at his small friend wondering when the man-whore was replaced with this shy boy before him. Jin looks back up to see the man beside Taehyung staring at him but he looks away quickly when their eyes meet. The small smile and a light blush on the strangers' face made Jin extremely happy. He liked shy boys. He liked to see how far he could go with teasing before they would tell him to stop or begged him for a demonstration.

Jin nudged Jimin to get him to introduce him instead of eye fucking Taehyung.

"Oh, uh, Taehyung this is Jin, my friend from the store," Taehyung and Jin nodded to one another before Jin brought his gaze back to the boy beside Taehyung.

"This is Jungkook, also known as Juancock." Taehyung said very seriously.

Jungkook's head snapped toward Taehyung before he slapped him on his arm. "Oh, sorry, I meant JK, not Juancock." Taehyung corrected with a sly smile on his face. He reached a hand out toward Jimin, who laced their fingers together in return. Taehyung pulled the shorter boy close to him, resting his other hand on the boy's waist. "You ready?" Taehyung asks, huskily.

"Yes, I am!" Jin says interrupting the two horny boys, elbowing pass them to get out of his tiny apartment. "Ready, Jungkook?" Jin asks as he stands next to the quiet boy. Jungkook nodded. "By the way, Taehyung, I hope you like strawberries. That's the new flavor of lube Jimin recently got." Jin says as he walks away, he turned slightly to meet Jungkook's eyes again. "Mine's pineapple." He finishes with a wink, making the boy look down and blush bright red. Maybe it was the liquor or the full moon but Jin was feeling amazing tonight.

Vote for horny Jin ;P

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