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The club was elegant, dimly lit with circular lights that gave off purple and blue hues from above. Small chandeliers scattered along the ceiling hanging over red velvet chairs that encircled small round tables that came with bottles of champagne and clean glasses. The bar surrounded the perimeter of the entire club with over 12 bartenders at service for whoever needed something stronger than champagne. The floor was laid with black carpet with thin white streaks that met at the center of the room where the stage was located; it was a circular stage that stood by itself in the very center of the club. The stage was lit with black lights and a spotlight for whoever would be performing, whether it a band, solo singer, dance, etc. There wasn't a stripper pole like Jimin was expecting, making him a little disappointed especially since Partition by Beyoncé was currently playing from unseen speakers. Jimin always loved stripper poles.

Men of all shapes and sizes, most Korean but some were foreign as well, frolicked around the club dancing, kissing or simply talking, slurring their words slightly from too many drinks, trying to see who they could take home for the night. Some women were there as well but only a handful, mostly waitresses or bartenders. It was clear the private club was made for gay men only, an escape from the judging eyes of Korean society. More curtains were covering another opening on the other side of the bar; Jin watched as two men, rubbing each other's crotches, disappeared behind them.

A lot of money was put into the club, it was clear to Jin and it made him feel slightly out of place, but he shook off the feeling quickly. Jimin, on the other hand, felt right at home, always knowing he belonged in such a high-class place but never actually having the money to be there. This was his ticket to the better things in life and no way in hell was he leaving.

"If you're planning on selling us, just know that you may get a lot of money for my face, but my attitude will have people asking for a refund," Jin said to Jungkook as he stared at the large stage before him.

"First, I'm a murderer, now I'm an auctioneer. I've never played so many roles in one night." Jungkook joked.

"Ooh, hear that Jin? He's kinky, looks like you're going to be doing a lot of roleplay tonight." Jimin teased.

"If you're into furries, I can tell you right now, I ain't the man for you," Jin said turning to Jungkook's blushing face.

"What are furries?" Jungkook shyly asked.

"I need a drink before I can answer that one." Jin walked away from the trio toward the bar then thought better of it and made his way toward one of the available chairs and table with champagne. He didn't know the prices here and wasn't about to spend $30 on a sip of vodka. He sat down and grabbed the opened bottle by its neck and poured it into an empty glass. He sat back and took a sip, wrinkling his nose at the taste. Turns out he didn't like champagne, too sweet. 'Of course, rich people would like the grosses shit.' Jin thought.

The trio followed after Jin taking the other empty seats. A waiter came over wearing black leather booty shorts, red fishnets, and knee-high black heels. His red silk vest looked two sizes too small but worked for the look he was going for. The male's makeup was a ray of various pastel colors that highlighted his high cheekbones and mono-lids but went nicely with his pink and purple hair. Jin had never seen a male with so much makeup on unless it was an actor doing it for a role.

"Can I get you lovely bitches anything?" The waiter asked. Jimin all but cooed at the compliment.

"Depends. Got anything under $5?" Jin questioned.

"Jin, you can order whatever you want." Jungkook turned to the waiter, "Just put everything on my tab, Hoseok."

"Awh, Jungkookie, when did you become so daddy?" The waiter whined in a high-pitched voice. Jin arched a perfect brow at the exchange, just how familiar were they?

Jimin cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Yes, I would like Jack on the rocks," Jimin said while looking at his nails like some prima donna. 'Who does this poor bitch think he is?' Jin thought.

"Scotch." Taehyung and Jungkook said simultaneously.

"And I'll take a bottle of tequila." Jin smiled at Hoseok's questioning face.

"Rough day?" Hoseok asked Jin.

"I just got dumped three days ago after a two-year relationship and my best friend just got evicted this morning and is going to be living with me. I wouldn't mind but he refuses to sleep on the couch and I have a one-bedroom apartment."

"Does he snore?"

"God, yes."

"I'll bring two bottles."

"Thank you, sweetie," Jin says as Hoseok walks away with their orders.

"Thanks for putting my business out there, Jin." Jimin snapped.

"Not my fault you sound like a fucking walrus when you sleep."

"You know what? This is the second time you've been mean to me today. I need two compliments to balance that shit out." Jimin huffed, crossing his arms.

"Okay, fine. Jimin you are beautiful."

Jimin nodded in agreement. "Continue."

"And anyone would be lucky to suck your dick." Jin finished, rolling his eyes.

"That's right, bitch. And don't you forget it." Jimin, satisfied from Jin's compliments, leaned back in his chair and reached a hand out to stroke Taehyung's gray colored hair.

"Wow, conflict resolved? Just like that? I would've beat Taehyung's ass." Jungkook said, confused about Jimin and Jin's exchange.

"Oh, no, honey. Use your words. They leave long-term damage. That's why Jin has to balance it out." Jimin continued to stroke Tae's hair fondly. The gray-haired boy leaned into the hand and began nibbling his palm.

"I would say ignore what JK said but he would really beat my ass. He's done it before." Taehyung said aloud.

"I don't know whether I should laugh or feel very concerned by your friendship," Jin muttered.

"Now you see how I feel." Jungkook laughed, taking a sip of his scotch.

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