Boy Must Be Stupid

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"I don't want to go home yet," Jimin whined from the back seat.

"You don't even have a home..." Jin muttered.

Jimin pretended that he didn't hear his comment. "The night is still young! Let's go do something!"

"No, the night is old and tired—" Jin started.

"I didn't ask about you, Jin. Jungkook, let's go to your house!" Jimin suggested.

Jin twisted in his seat to look at him. "Jimin, you can't just invite yourself to—"

"Okay," Jungkook said. Honestly, he didn't want the night to end either. He didn't want to think about going into work in the next few hours.

Jin twisted back in his seat a little shocked. A part of him was happy that he got to go to Jungkook's house and spend more time with the other male, but another part knew this probably wasn't the best idea. He knew that if he continued to get to know the boy, he would end up thinking about being with him and he just got out of a relationship so that was no bueno. Jin didn't want Jungkook to be his rebound but he didn't want to end as just a one-night stand either. He liked him and his odd thoughts. Maybe he should just befriend him? Jin always wanted a friend who owned a cadi and he knew Jimin would never be that friend so what the hell?

"Are you sure?" Jin asked Jungkook, looking over to watch him drive. Jungkook had one hand on the steering wheel looking very confident in the way he drove. His eyes remained on the road, giving Jin a beautiful view of his prominent jawline and undercut. He ran his gaze down the length of his body, knowing exactly what those clothes from his eyes: a muscular body made for play. Jin bit his lip as memories of what they did not that long ago in the back seat came rushing back.

"Yeah, it's fine. I mean you don't mind, right?" And just like that, the sweet, innocent bunny was back.

Jin smiled at his bashful question, "No, I don't mind."


It was about 45 minutes later that they pulled up a huge house, not quite a mansion but close. The house was black and gray on the exterior which was an unusual design since hardly anyone went for black for their house color unless they were a vampire or some shit.

Jungkook looked over at Jin to see his face glued to the window as he parked. He chuckled.

"You live here? Like this isn't your parent's house, right?" Jin asked still staring at the house.

"Yes, this is where I live. Pay all the bills myself, too. I'm a real big boy." Jungkook joked as he got out of the vehicle.

"What the shit? Tae! His house is bigger than yours!" Jimin exclaimed from the backseat.

Jin arched a perfect brow. "How do you know what his house looks like, Jimin?"

"Oh, uh, he showed me pictures and it looks a lot smaller in the picture, yup yup, yeah." Jimin scrambled out as he turned away to head towards the front door where Jungkook was now waiting.

Jin didn't believe him but didn't press it. He shuffled in after the others into the house and oo'd and aw'd with Jimin at the interior. It looked like it came straight off a Pinterest board for home decor. The entrance led into a large living room area that looked very cozy compared to how the house looked from the outside. A fireplace was connected to one of the walls and Jin couldn't help but imagine himself laying in front of it during a snowy day, wrapped in blankets like a living burrito.

"ChimChim, let's go watch a movie in the theatre room," Taehyung suggested but his eyes said they would be doing anything but watching a movie.

"He has a theatre room?!" Jimin gasped and let Taehyung drag him from the room.

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