Fuck off

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"Welcome to Silly Willy's, home to thickest wienie around. Can I take your order?" 'I fucking hate myself', Jin thought as he took the order and rung the customer up. "Please pull around." He sighed. He hated that they just added the drive thru window and stuck him in it. They used to have to go to the car windows on skates when they were park to take their orders. Kind of like a Sonics, only shittier. Jin loved it, he was one of the best skaters that Willy's had since it was a family own restaurant. Jin loved roller skating and it was the only reason he stayed at this job but since he was the first to be put at the window, because he could actual understand through the mic, he was really starting to reconsider staying. Not to mention the whole sex scandal that went down in the back office with his ex and current manager. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't really sure why he stayed at all.

"Heeeey, Jin love. How you holdin' up, baby?" Hyuna asked as she came around the corner to stand in the doorway of the small room where Jin took orders; which was about the size of a bathroom stall.

"Well, I would be great if this bitch would text me. He's really got me questioning my blowjob skills." He whined to her after he shut off his mic.

"Oh, honey. I know they say to get over one man, you gotta get under another one but you haven't had any proper recovery time, baby. I think you hopped in bed with that guy too fast. It would be different if it was a month and not a week. I should beat Jimin's ass for encouraging that shit." Hyuna huffed crossing her arms.

"I mean—I don't regret it. I'm just pissed off I haven't got a text back. Even though I won't be getting in a relationship anytime soon—I still want to be wanted even if I'm going to reject them, you know?" Jin clicked on his mic to take another order while Hyuna waited.

"How good was this guy?"

"Who? The guy I slept with?"

"No, the one who just ordered—yes, the guy who put his dick in you!"

"OMG, bitch, he had a mirror over his bed and—"

"What are you two doing? Get back to work. This isn't social hour." Bobby, the bitch ass manager, scolded as he came around the corner.

"Yes, sir." Hyuna puffed out her chest and saluted before leaving the two.

Bobby looked over at Jin as he took another order, an evil glint in his eyes. "Jin, I'm going to need you to work doubles for the next three weeks. Boa is going back to school and I need to hire someone to replace her for the time being."

Jin scrunched up his nose. "Why me? Hyuna has been asking for extra hours for the last two months."

"Because I didn't ask Hyuna, I asked you." Bobby sighed.

"Technically, you didn't ask—"

"I also need you to close," Bobby added.

"I can't do that, I have another job—"

"Do you still want this job, Jin?"

'Not really.' "Of course, but—"

"Then get your priorities in order," Bobby said as he walked away, not giving a chance for Jin to respond.

Jin stood in shock of what just happened. Is this motherfucker serious? Bobby was never like this, sure he was a dick most of the time, but he always gave options and never bullied. Jin was actually starting to forgive him after the shit he did but now the fucker could burn in hell. 'Fuck that piece of poo. Karma where the fuck are you? I need you to dump a large amount of elephant shit on this bitch ass motherfucking—'

Jin huffed as another car pulled up and he turned on his mic. "Can I take your fucking order?"

"Uh, excuse me?"

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