Bowling Balls

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"It still pisses me off, Jin," Jimin muttered, slumping as he forked at his food.

"Jimin, I don't understand why you're even mad—like, you got what you wanted, so why be mad?" Jin asked before sucking a whole strawberry into his mouth.

"Because! Those were new panties, Jin! From Victoria's Secret! I wanted to look good and be appreciated—my dick was tucked and everything! And what happens? He pulls the panties down with my pants and didn't even look at them." Jimin huffs.

"Jimin, he's a man. And anyway, he'll just say you look better naked than with any type of clothes on." Jin shrugged.

"But I want Taehyungie to see me as sexy! He can see me naked anytime he wants but I want him to see me in something others won't get to see, you know? Like, I'm not gonna lie, I've gotten around—"

"That's an understatement, THOT." Jin popped a cherry into his mouth as he lifted a groomed brow.

Jimin narrowed his eyes at him before continuing. "Anyway, I never voluntarily wore laced panties for a man before and I just wanted to be appreciated and to see if he would even be into that."

"I feel like Taehyung would be into just about anything as long as it involved you, Jimin."

Jin didn't miss the blush that decorated the smaller man's cheeks. He was happy his best friend was finding love again. Hopefully, this one will treat him right and not as a fuck toy like all his exes did. Jimin deserved happiness and love that wasn't just of the physical nature.

"Have...have you ever worn woman's panties?" Jimin asked shily which surprised Jin since Jimin was not a shy person with him.

"Uh—no. Never felt the urge and Minho wasn't into it so I never really explored." Jin shrugged as he took a swig of his OJ.

"Well," Jimin looked around to make sure no one was listening before leaning on the table closer to Jin, "Tae told me a little something about Jungkook. About him being into woman's panties."

Jin choked on his orange juice drawing attention to himself by the people seated around them at the little outside café Jimin and he were currently eating at. Jungkook was into panties? Like wearing them or other's wearing them? Jin never really thought about wearing panties before, mainly because he thought they were for women and drag queens—and Jimin, of course. If Jungkook was into panties should he go buy a pair? Would the younger be into that?—well, of course since Jimin just confirmed it. But would he freak out when Jin pulls his pants down to reveal pink panties? Jin wasn't shy but the idea of Jungkook laughing at him would have him wanting to die. Plus, didn't people talk about this sort of thing beforehand before jumping in with surprise bedroom attacks? But Jin was definitely intrigued now to say the least.

"Like, me wearing them?" Jin asked.

Jimin shook his head. "No, like him wearing them."

Jin's eyes almost bulged right out of their sockets at Jimin's clarification. Jungkook liked to wear women's panties! Suddenly an image passed behind Jin's eyes of Jungkook laying on his bed wearing nothing but lacy blue panties. The baby blue lace contrasted with his milky thighs perfectly as he rubbed them together seductively, his hard cock straining trying to break through the tight lace without success. Jin's imagination took control as white stockings appeared on the male's legs along with a tiny white ribbon bow tied around his neck. Jin suddenly loved the idea of woman's panties—especially if Jungkook was wearing them. If he didn't stop now, Jin would be sporting a painful boner.

"You're imagining him in women's panties, aren't you?" Jimin asked with a knowing smile.

Jin felt very hot all of a sudden. "Shut it, munchkin."

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