Lucifer The Beautiful

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Jungkook tightened his hands on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. He had been driving for the last hour aimlessly, trying to wrap his head around what happened. He knew he should've made it clear to Minho that he wasn't interested but he didn't think the man would kiss him outright in a public place. Jungkook got no warning whatsoever, one minute he was making jokes about which ball would fit his fingers and the next Minho was trying to suck his soul out through his mouth. It wasn't even a good kiss. It was sloppy and felt like Minho collected his spit throughout the day just to shove it down Jungkook's throat.

The worst part about the whole kiss was the guilt Jungkook was currently feeling. No, he didn't kiss the man back but he didn't back away either. At least not immediately. He wasn't sure why maybe he was in a state of shock that it was actually happening and was frozen for a minute or two. Or a sick and twisted part of him liked the attention. He hoped that wasn't the reason—hell, he refused to believe it was the reason for not moving away quick enough. Jin didn't deserve a guy who kissed coworkers because he wanted "attention."

Jungkook's mind focused back on Jin for the thousandth time in the last hour and the sinking feeling he felt in his gut doubled. For some reason, his mind decided to picture Jin's face washed away from all happiness with only sad and devastated eyes left in place. He shook his head to get rid of the image.

Should he even be feeling guilty at all? It's not like he kissed Minho. Or that he even flirted with the guy. Plus, it was just a kiss—not like he fucked the guy so, he shouldn't feel bad. Right? T-Pain's wife let's him kiss whoever he wants as long as nothing happens below the belt. But Jungkook wasn't T-Pain and Jin wasn't Amber. Should he even tell Jin what happened? Why wouldn't he tell Jin? What if he freaked out? He doesn't know how Jin will react because they haven't been together that long and this was new territory. His coworker tried to make a pass at him—but they weren't properly dating, right? They never established what they were...

Jungkook let out a frustrated groan as he pulled into his driveway. He didn't know what he was supposed to do about Minho but he knew he couldn't work with him regarding the case, it would be too much one-on-one time and Jungkook wasn't sure he should be left alone with him after his lip attack.

Getting out of his car, Jungkook made his way to the front door, testing the knob to see if Hoseok actually locked it or not—which he didn't. Jungkook lived in a nice neighborhood but he still wanted his house locked up when no one was there. He'd have to talk to Hobi about his forgetfulness.

Jungkook took a few steps inside when he stopped in his tracks. The mouth-watering aroma of baked goods—may be a cake or pie—invaded his nostrils. Did Hobi bake a cake before he left? He hoped he turned the oven off.

Jungkook slipped off his shoes and flipped the lights on to his living room before making his way to the kitchen. He slowed when he realized the light was on and someone was inside. He peeked around the corner to see Jin in an apron leaning against the counter playing on his phone. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and stepped into the kitchen cautiously.

"Jin?" Jungkook called.

Jin gasped and spun around with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Baby!" He cried, dropping his phone on the counter and skipping over to Jungkook. Jin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck for a tight hug that did nothing but make Jungkook feel even shittier.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the other man's lower back loosely, letting out a nervous chuckle. "H-hey, baby, I thought you—you had work tonight." He stammered.

Jin pulled back but not before kissing the boy's cheek. "I did but I got the boss to let me leave early after I told him something came up." He said cheerfully shrugging and pulled away when the oven alarm started going off. "I hope you don't mind; your front door was unlocked and I wasn't sure if you were still on your date," Jin said as he bent over to get a pie from the over.

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