What if...

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Jin woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. He reached over to his nightstand and pressed 'snooze' on his phone. Suddenly a leg was thrown over his back pinning him to the bed.

"Jimin, wake the hell up and move," Jin grumbled.

Jimin groaned as he rolled away from Jin to the other side of the bed and continued to snore softly. Yeah, Jin exaggerated his snore but he was only teasing the shorter male, Jimin was self-conscious about the littlest things. Jin turned to see the said male cuddling a pillow, his head at the foot of the bed. He rolled his eyes and headed to the bathroom to get ready for work.

After taking a quick shower, he wiped the steamed-up mirror. He stared at the barely-there hickeys that once decorated his neck and chest in a vibrant red and purple, he frowned. It's been three days since he last heard from Jungkook and he was close to giving up from ever hearing from him again. He sighed and continued getting ready.

When Jin had woke up that morning—or more like afternoon—after the night with Jungkook, he found that the other male was gone. Which wouldn't be weird if it was his house, but it was Jungkook's house. He literally left a stranger in his home alone '...I should go through his stuff.' Jin had thought. As it turned out, Jungkook actually left a note on the nightstand saying that he enjoyed the night, but he had to leave for work and that he made breakfast downstairs. It was kind of cringy to say he 'enjoyed' the night in Jin's opinion, it made him feel like he did this often but he shrugged it off. At least he made breakfast. The note even said he was free to stay but that's just weird—who wants to come home to find out that your one-night stand never left? No matter how good the sex was, Jin still had his dignity. Or whatever was left of it anyway.

After eating the breakfast that Jungkook left—which turned out to be grossly healthy but tasted amazing—Jin went and found a naked Jimin and Taehyung asleep in the theater room. He dressed Jimin while he whined about wanting to sleep longer and the two left after calling an Uber. He didn't bother waking Taehyung and almost smacked Jimin for giving the said male a goodbye kiss. Even though Jin knew nothing would happen between him and Jungkook he still wanted to be friends, so he left his phone number on his kitchen table after doing the dishes he used. He didn't try feeding Jimin since he "accidentally" ate all the food.

Jin sighed as he came back to the present. He didn't need Jungkook in his life. He was just a good fuck to make him forget about his shitty ex and it worked. Although he didn't want to refer to Jungkook as 'a good fuck' Jimin said it would ease his feelings so that's what he was doing. He hadn't even thought about Minho since his night with Jungkook—which was only three days but still. He was getting there, at least he was going to work but that was only because he used up all his sick days and couldn't afford to get fired. If only he was well-off like Jungkook—'great, I stop thinking about one man just to become obsessed with another.' Jin was tired of shitty men not appreciating the fucking prize that he was, he deserved to be worship dammit! Why couldn't the nice guys be gays? The heteros can keep all the shitty ones. His ego was starting to shrink again.

Jin lotioned himself up—because moisturizing is essential and so is proper hygiene—and put on his work uniform which consisted of black dress pants and a custom shirt that read Silly Willy's Food Eatery on the back. God, how he hated it, even more so since his ex cheated on him with one of his coworkers.

Jin grabbed his wallet and keys from his nightstand and left, but not before smacking Jimin hard on the ass making him yelp. Jimin was yelling profanities when Jin closed the door to the apartment and locked it. Always be precautious. He made his way over to his purple ford fiesta, he had to turn it over a few times before it finally started to Jin's relief. He couldn't afford to take it to a mechanic, he couldn't even afford the gas to put in it.

He looked at his phone to check how much time he had to get to work—but was secretly hoping for a surprise text—and pulled out of his apartment complex and headed barely-above-average paying job. He kept the radio off, driving in silence.


"How's the work going, Jeon?"

Jungkook gulped nervously as his boss decided to pay him an unexpected visit this morning. "It's going good, sir. So far, I've found out that the missing funds have dated back for only two years, sir. There seems to be a lot of transactions with only a little money going missing at first, probably not to draw attention, but fortunately over the years the hackers—or hacker—have become lazy it seems. Larger funds are being withdrawn in the last two months with the last transaction being the largest and most recent—which was almost a week ago." Jungkook explained to Gang Hyowon.

Mr. Gang became frustrated as the boy continued with his findings. "How much was the last transaction?" He asked.

"Well, that's the thing, the hacker is making weird withdraws, not just the strange amount but the consistency is weird too. The last transaction was $53,841 but the one before that was $56, then $6—"

"Well, you did say they increased the amount—" Mr. Gang interrupted.

"Yes, but the amounts are all over the place, sir. The numbers are odd—as if their just randomly pressing buttons but then again this could be a way to confuse me since they use a different IP code that still leads me to dead ends." Jungkook grumbled.

"So, what I'm hearing is that you haven't made any progress?"

"Well, I have but—"

"Look, Jeon, you only have a month to figure out who this asshole is. We can't have them continuing to take money from us. Mr. Bang wants to shut all banking and transactions down until this shit is resolved and that means no paycheck for me and no paycheck for you, understand? You're the best in your field—hell you came from one of the top schools in Korea—but even you can be replaced. I want these fuckers narrowed down, Jeon, I have to give the boss some kind of progress by next week. Got it?"

Jungkook nodded and watched Mr. Gang leave his office, not bothering to close his door. What a fucking ass, Jungkook thought sourly. He got up and closed his door, refraining from slamming it shut like a teenager even though he really wanted to. Despite the added pressure, Jungkook took out his phone to text Taehyung about his shitty fuck of a boss but paused before clicking on his name. Right under Taehyung's message link was Jin's link. After he found that he left his phone number on his kitchen table, Jungkook had immediately put it in his phone. He had wanted to text the other man but was strangely nervous. He still had "Hey" in his text box as his draft, he just couldn't hit send for some reason. What if the other only left his number for booty call services? What if he left it out of pity? What if Jungkook fucked up and waited too long and now Jin hates him?

Jungkook groaned in indecision. He just got out of a relationship, Jungkook, why would he want to get back into another one? Especially with someone who was supposed to be a one-night stand? Jungkook thought. But why would he leave his number? Maybe you were a fantastic fuck and he would like to do it again? Jungkook didn't mind if Jin wanted sex again but he wanted something more. Well, what better way to find out?

Jungkook frowned at the thought. 'Are you for or against me, mind?'

'I'm for whatever you choose. Kinda don't have a choice up here.'

'Aren't you the one who makes the choices?'

'Apparently not but go off. Whatever, I'm just here for the ride.'


Jungkook came back to reality to see his door slightly open and Yoongi sticking his head inside.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"You okay there? You were starring off into space making weird expressions." Yoongi said as he came fully into the office.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just having an internal monologue." Jungkook sighed, going back to his desk. He sat down, placing his phone on his desk that was still lit up. Before his courage left him, he hit send and locked his phone, throwing it in his desk drawer.

He hoped he didn't get a response.

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