an: sorry im so inconsistent :(
The next day Valerie woke up next to Corpse, and she could really get used to it. The combination of his broad shoulders hugging her back, and his arms around her waist was where she felt safest. That was, until her phone echoed throughout his room, causing Corpse to groan; he had only fallen asleep thirty minutes ago. Valerie reached over, lifting the phone to her face.
"Valerie Thompson, the girl of the hour! How are you doing?" The iconic voice of non-other then Dream himself through the speaker of her phone.
"Hello Clay," she chocked on her own spit trying not to laugh.
"Ew. Never again," He scolded playfully, "anyways, I was wondering if you were willing to film that Dream Team video today!"
"I would have to ask Corpse if I could use his pc but Im sure he wont mind," She answered innocently.
"Ohhhh, you're with Corpse?" Dream questioned.
"Hello my faceless brethren," Corpse spoke into the phone, his voice raspier since it was the morning.
"Holy fuck that was hot- anyways," Dream and Corpse both laughed, "he could join you if you want Val."
"Sounds cool, we can be ready in a hour," She answered, looking at Corpse for confirmation. He nodded, getting up and grabbing a towel. She assumed he was taking a shower.
"Alright, I'll send you an invite to the discord!" And with that they said goodbye to their smiley face friend till they talked again.
Valerie sat in the room. What was she supposed to wear? She didn't have any clothes here, nor her makeup. She looked through Corpse's closet, he owned only black clothing which she didn't mind. She thought about buying more emo clothing, she liked the style and it fit her dark past.
Valerie changed into Corpse's own merch hoodie he had and some black sweats. His clothes were big on her, but she actually really liked it.
Meanwhile, Corpse had just got out of the shower, and walked out of his bathroom into his room. He wore sweatpants and no shirt, and was watching Valerie look at herself in the mirror. He noticed his clothes on her, and admired the way they hung off her silky skin. He dried off his hair, as she continued to look at herself.
"You having fun over there?" He asked as she jumped.
"Jesus christ Corpse a warning!" She yelled playfully, until she actually looked at him. Her eyes went wide as her cheeks went red.
"awww, whats the matter love?" He asked chuckling, proceeding to throw on a hoodie he must've gotten from Dream, with a smiley face on it. Valerie couldn't even put words together, she just sat down as she watched Corpse prepare his pc for a stream.
"Hello chat!" Valerie excitedly greeted. She smiled as a wave of 'hellos' and 'his' flowed through the chat.
Valerie turned on her face cam, allowing her chat to see the unfamiliar room she sat in. She sat in Corpse's black gaming chair. She slouched, ever so often she would look off camera.
user: where are you?
user: is someone else there
user: god shes back again
↳removed by mod.
"Yes there is someone else with me. As you can see I'm not at my apartment, Im currently with the one and only Corpse husband," She answered.
user: again?
user: im living for these two
"Hello," he chuckled, "I agree, VORPSE for life you say." The chat went wild.
"Anyways! Today we'll be joining the Dream Team for some Jackbox games!" Valerie excitedly introduced what they would be doing. She joined the discord where Dream, George, and Sapnap were waiting. When joining, there was a multitude of screams heard. Valerie had to take her headphones off; her anxiety spiking as Corpse placed a gentle hand on her thigh to calm her. What neither of them noticed that his hand on her thigh was in frame, everyone saw it.
"Hello," she lightly spoke, her nerves on edge.
"Valerie! WHOS YOUR FAVORITE DREAM TEAM MEMBER!" Sapnap spoke loudly into his mic. It was clear she was going to need to get used to the yelling with this group.
"Uhh I don't think thats fair seeing as I only know Dream personally so far," She answered, trying to avoid the question.
"Smooth Val," Corpse chuckled.
"But you've seen the videos, Corpse told me you're a fan," Dream joked as Valerie scoffed.
"I am no one's fan okay, I just enjoy Minecraft and Minecraft videos. If you really wanna know, I like sapnap's personality, Dream's laugh, and George is well....George," She laughed.
"Why am I always the one getting picked on?" George's thick, British accent questioned.
"Have you seen your tiktoks dude?" Sapnap snorted.
"ANYWAYS, before this turns into a blood bath, wanna get started?" Valerie asked as an army of yes's spilled out.
an enjoy this nice filler chapter while i work on something better
wc; 824 words

Miss YOU! - A Corpse Husband Fanfiction
Fanfiction❝I don't wanna look like this, fuck,❞ ❝I think you look amazing...❞ OR In which a girl who has struggled her entire life finally meets someone like her