Corpse and Valerie played Minecraft for what felt like forever, until they finally decided to stop playing after hours of teaching Corpse all the buttons and how to build.
"I had fun tonight," Corpse said, you could almost hear the shy smile he wore through his voice.
"So did I," Valerie giggled back. The two sat in silence for a minute, enjoying each others company. "Well I guess I'm going to try to get some sleep, I don't know if it'll work though," Valerie spoke again.
"Do you want to sit on FaceTime until you fall asleep?" Corpse asked genuinely.
"I'd like that,"
The two left the discord group they were in, calling each others numbers. The screen showed a dark screen, assuming Corpse had covered it intentionally, but Valerie didn't mind.
"Fancy seeing you here," Valerie chuckled as a faint laugh could be hear from the phone. Valerie got ready for bed, taking off her very natural makeup while she assumed Corpse watched her. She laid in bed, covering her body in her comforter and stares at the screen.
"What?" Corpse asks, obviously noticing.
"I just want you to know that if you never show me your face, I'm fine with it," Valerie says trying not to make the conversation uncomfortable.
"Oh? Why is that?" Corpse asks, slightly confused.
"Honestly, it's nice to get to know you, the real you. Not your social media personality, not what you look like, but what your favorite snacks are and stuff like that," She smiled, her eyes sparkling. Corpse hitched his breath. He kept his face hidden for his personal privacy and no one had ever not asked him to see his face. Corpse could feel a fuzzy feeling in his chest, but what did it mean?
"Well thank you," he smiled, but Valerie couldn't see.
"Of course," she smiled back. Valerie laid there for what felt like forever, until her eyes became heavy, and she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Valerie woke up, her eyes fluttering open as the light shone through her curtains. She looked at her phone, noticing Corpse had never hung up. She checked the time, noticing that she only got a good four hours of sleep.
"Hello," the deep voice rang through the phone.
"Good morning," Valerie responded, her voice raspy from being tired.
"Hey you kinda sound like me in the morning," Corpse chuckled. The two sat for a second and stared at their screens.
"How'd you sleep?" Valerie asked, not fully aware of Corpse's mental state.
"Um well, I normally can't sleep, I have anxiety like you which you know and my mind just constantly races," He answered. Valerie sat in shock.
"Wait, so you haven't slept at all?"
"Nope. My symptoms have been really bad today too," He spoke again. Valerie just wanted to hug him, tell him everything was going to be okay, but she couldn't. She did notice that his voice sounded quieter, and more raspy than usual.
"Corpse you need to sleep," She finally said.
"I tried, I can't," At that moment, a small sliver of light could be seen on the phone screen, showing a couple of jet black curls and a brown eye with black eyeliner lining it. Valerie sat in shock for a second; she had yet to see any of Corpse's appearance, and one silly slip and she almost saw everything.

Miss YOU! - A Corpse Husband Fanfiction
Fanfic❝I don't wanna look like this, fuck,❞ ❝I think you look amazing...❞ OR In which a girl who has struggled her entire life finally meets someone like her