AUTHORS NOTE: HOLY CRAP THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 30K READS?? That's insane! I appreciate you all so much.
And so I streamed, and god, I missed this.
The next few days were painfully unbearable for me. I decided to let Corpse have his time to mourn, I just missed his touch. But I knew he missed me too.
God I miss his touch.
Missing someones touch reminds me of when I used to miss my mothers. Before she turned cold.
Valerie was 10 when her father died of a heart attack. She never knew what it was like to feel alone, until that moment. When she found out, her mother didn't cry, she slept with an array of men to fill the void that was her late husband. She also neglected her only child. The child that would've done anything to see her mother smile.
Valerie loved her dad. He was her favorite person. He was the one who taught her to play piano, taught her to treat everyone with kindness, until given a reason not to. Valerie's dad was the reason she was who she was, and she would always give him credit for that.
It was only eight months later that her mom remarried. Even though Valerie was young, she still understood that her mom moved on extremely fast. Her new stepdad, Paul, was an asshole. All he did was drink, and spend her mothers money. She tried to tell her mother this wasn't healthy, but her mom would smack her and send her to her room, telling her she had "some nerve."
Valerie had it rough, starting at the age of 12, she did anything she could to make money. Her goal was to emancipate herself by the time she was 16. She had saved from every birthday, every Christmas. In the summers she would mow lawns, in the fall she'd rake, and the winter she'd shovel for her neighbors and even neighborhoods near her. She worked hard to get herself out of the situation she was forced into, and her mother hated her even more for it.
Valerie talked to her dad everyday. Well, she spoke out loud in the hopes that somehow her father could hear her. She remembered begging for him to come back, for him to save her from the grips of her terrible mother. She hoped she could find someone to save her; because she was unable to save herself.
That was, until the day she turned 16, and handed her mother emancipation documents.
"Great, now I don't have to feed your ungrateful ass" were the only words her mother said to her, before signing on the dotted line. Valerie hated her mother, and blamed her fully for the mental issues she retained after her fathers death. After her emancipation, Valerie visited a doctor, and she was then diagnosed with extreme anxiety disorder, and depression.
She hadn't felt the touch of anyone, until Poki came around.
my man who can't open tin foil
hi Valerie Thompson
my woman who can throw knives
hi Corpse Husband
my man who can't open tin foil
your window looks very nice from outside
I rushed to my window, pushing open the black out curtains, to see my beautifully sculpted black cat boyfriend. In his hands, was a group of my favorite flowers; the black dahlia. I was shocked, how the hell did he get black dahlias?
Rushing down the stairs, past Rae and Poki, I almost tripped, but caught myself on the railing. I giggled as I opened the door quickly, running to Corpse. He wore a mask, but she could tell he was smiling by the sparkle in his eye.
"I missed you,"
"I missed you too dork," Corpse whispered back.
"You guys are so cute you make me want to throw up," Poki spoke from the doorway, which caused the couple to laugh as they walked inside.
Corpse, Rae, Poki and I were all on the couch watching Harry Potter when a knock on the door rang throughout the house. Everyone gave each other a "who the hell could that be" look, while Rae got up to go see who it was. Corpse quicky threw on his mask, before Rae opened the door to the stranger.
"Hello?" Rae questioned the stranger.
"Is Valerie Thompson here?" My head shot up. I certainly didn't invite anyone over, who could it be?
Rae welcomed to unknown man into the home, as I got up to greet him.
"Hello, I am Valerie Thompson," I introduced myself, as I shook his hand, "how can I help you?"
"You are the daughter of Mary Thompson right, daughter of late David Thompson?" he asked.
"I am an Jessie Parkens, investigator for the District of [enter home state here], we're looking into the death of your father, we think some foul play may have been involved. When was the l last time you have spoken to Mary?" he spoke nonchalantly.
"It's been years, she doesn't even know I moved to California," I answered, "what do you mean by foul play?"
Jessie hesitated before he spoke again, "we have reason to believe your mother may have aided the death of your father."
an. wow this was fun to write
wc: 872 words

Miss YOU! - A Corpse Husband Fanfiction
Fanfic❝I don't wanna look like this, fuck,❞ ❝I think you look amazing...❞ OR In which a girl who has struggled her entire life finally meets someone like her