Valerie was shocked. She was sat in her bathroom, not moving an inch.
Cat Boi<3
so i can fuck you in it.
When had he become so bold? This was not the Corpse she thought she knew, but she was beginning to like it. The makeup of Valeries room was a little different than others, meaning she could get to her walk in closet from the bathroom or her bedroom. She knew Corpse had a thing for fishnets, so she decided to put some on knowing it would mess with him, since he was watching her stream anyway.
Valerie very quickly put them on, or as quickly as you can put pants made of holes on, and exited the bathroom, sitting back down in her chair. She snickered, knowing the affect she was having on the man watching.
"Okay guys, two more games and I have to go," She said as she came back.
"Aww why,"
"But you're so good,"
"You emo bitch,"
She laughed at their replies, playing their final games and saying goodbye. As she shut down her pc, she had this overwhelming feeling of anxiety wash over her. Was she ready to... you know, again? Corpse was a perfect man and she wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else. So she shrugged it off; she was sure that she was just nervous because it would be their first time together, as a couple. Those words made butterflies flutter in her chest. They were together. She was his, and vice versa. She thought about her doubts she had and refused to let them get in the way. She was going.
Almost as she decided, Corpse shot her a text.
Cat Boi <3
you better be on your way
Valerie Baby<3
and if im not?
Cat Boi<3
you'll see when you get here.
Valerie decided she would stop digging herself into a hole, and start driving.
Valerie had been driving for about half an hour when she got another text from Corpse.
Cat Boi <3
you almost here, love?
Love. For some reason Valerie loved when he called her that. It made her feel as if she was floating. Her mom used to call her that, before her dad left and her mom rotted away in bed. It was her favorite thing about the man.
She responded at a red light, and was basically turning the corner ten minutes later. Her heart began to pound against her ribs, creating a thumping rhythm throughout her body. She took a quick few breathes, turning off the car and heading to the front door.
With every step she took, she could feel her body getting heavier. But she felt more excited then nervous. She reached the door, about to knock when the door swung open. There, stood a shirtless Corpse, breathing heavily, as he took in what she looked like.
In his mind, she was perfect. She was a piece of him he needed. She was his form of heroin.

Miss YOU! - A Corpse Husband Fanfiction
Fanfiction❝I don't wanna look like this, fuck,❞ ❝I think you look amazing...❞ OR In which a girl who has struggled her entire life finally meets someone like her