Authors note - Introduction

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Hi lovies, I'm back!

So, I had to create a new book because I ran out of space to post new imagines but I think it was a great thing to happen so that we can start fresh and post so many new drivers as the new season approaches.

This book is going to be very similar to my previous book (if you haven't read it, please do :p) but I am going to change the style so that it is easier for me and for you guys to read and find certain imagines.

As of now, each imagine will have a separate title (Example: Lando Norris - Gamer Girl) and there will no longer be any definition before each chapter starts. This will be easier for me to write but also for you guys to find imagines. I will still post things in categories (so all Lando imagines together, for example) and warnings will be placed before each and every chapter that is 18+.

NB: requests follow the same procedure, but if you are unsure, follow the following steps:

1. Who do you want the imagine about

2. What genre (romantic, sad, smut, etc)

3. Any specific details you want in the imagine

4. State whether you want to be mentioned or remain anonymous

Please follow these steps as it is really difficult (especially with writers block) to write stories when not enough detail is given.

I will also be willing to do imagines based on song lyrics, but these will definitely take much longer to write, so please be patience and understand that your interpretation of the song may be very different to mine.

I do write smut imagines, BUT I WILL NOT be writing on any drivers younger than 18 and will not be doing any freaky fantasies. A daddy fetish and a tying up kink is alright, but feet are not it, sis.

Please beware:

This is a safe place for you and myself, so please refrain from any form of bullying to either me or another reader. If I do see any form of bullying, I will ask you to leave my page, and if not further action will take place. Remember to stay positive and treat others with respect. I have yet to experience bullying, which I'm super proud of and appreciate you guys for being positive and very kind to one another and to me!

Constructive criticism is welcome, but please remember that I don't know everything about every driver. I am a massive fan of F1, but I don't know everything and everybody within the F1 community, so if I mistake one person for another or completely forget someone (I have done this before RIP) please just bare with me. I don't always get the time to do adequate amount of research and I'm sorry about that.

As of 2022, I will be starting university, so requests are welcome but I may not always get to your imagines. I will always try to, as I love writing for you guys, but there's no guarantee.

Since starting university, I have realized how little time I have to write imagines. Not only am I constantly working just to keep up with university workload, but I am also working towards a scholarship. I am also in a relationship (whoop whoop) so I will be spending time with him, as well as all my new friends I've made at university, so I might not be able to always post or write. BUT, I have decided on a new plan so that content can be uploaded consistently.

In past times, I used to upload whenever and it would go from 5 imagines a week to 1 a month. It was very random which left a lot of you disappointed since I did not answer your requests AND also resulted in many requests not being seen. So because if that, I have decided to write at least one imagine a week and upload it. Now, this is not set in stone, but it's just to allow for constant content to be provided to my lovely readers!

This may change, sometimes I may upload two a week and other days 3. But at least one imagine will be uploaded per week. If I do not upload, it is due to unforeseen circumstances and I apologize in advance for it. I will post EVERY SUNDAY. However, sometimes I may have to post on a different day depending on when my assignments are due and when I have work. But I will let y'all know unless I cannot.

Anyway, love you guys loads and remember to stay safe

- Tammy

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