Daniel Ricciardo - Tattoo's

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Hey guys! I've had this bad boy in my drafts for a long time, and what better time to post it when he's back in F1!

Just a heads up, I literally know nothing about tattoos because I'm too much of a little bitch to get one😊

Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


"Okay, wait. You want a matching tattoo?" I ask my fiancé, a shocked and confused expression on my face as I look over at him from my novel. His face looked the polar opposite, a massive smile spread across his structured face and his brown eyes were wide with excitement. His hair was slightly ruffled from laying on his pillow and playing random games on his phone, and the duvet lay around his entire body except his shoulders and head.

"Yes." He says simply. I roll my eyes,

"No." I say but he is already whining.

"What do you mean no?! Why not?" He questions, his once bright face was now filled with sadness.

"Because I've never gotten a tattoo before. And plus, have you not heard of the bad luck matching tattoos bring couples?" I ask, placing my book down on my bedside table.

He shrugs before sighing,

"I get why you're not into it, but I think it will be super cute. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and I think having matching tattoos is a great way to solidify it." He says with a small smile. I squint my eyes at him,

"Where did you get this lovey-dovey talk from?" I question as he giggles, his teeth showing as he smiles wide once again,

"Pierre has been showing me how to flirt like the French, which includes lovey-dovey speeches." With that, I smack his chest hard. He laughs softly, but it slowly drifts away as he looks at me.

He shuffles over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me in to cuddle his body. I morph into his, wrapping my arms around his torso and entangling my legs with his. His unshaven legs rub against my shaven ones, which were slightly prickly from not shaving for 4 days.

"Fine." I say. He looks down at me, a confused frown etched on his face.

"Fine what?" He asks.

"Fine, I'll get a matching tattoo with you."


My legs shake nervously as we wait for our tattoo artist to call myself and Daniel for our tattoos. His name was James (Authors note: fake name btw), someone who has done a few of Daniels tattoos in the past. I trusted him, but I didn't trust myself.

I am absolutely petrified of the pain. I mean, I can barely handle waxing, how am I going to handle a needle pricking into my skin multiple times over?

A hand resting on my shaking leg shakes me out of my thoughts. I look at Daniel, a reassuring smile on his face. He looked completely different to me. He was wearing black shorts and a light blue shirt, whilst I was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a baggy shirt. But what made us look so different was the sweat dripping down my forehead whilst he looked as cool as a cucumber.

"I promise it's going to be okay. Don't you worry so much, okay?" He says, wiping my forehead before pressing a quick kiss to my quivering lips. I nod, my leg still shaking and sweat was still falling from my forehead.

"Alright you two, let's get started." James says as he appears in front of us. We nod and follow him to the back of the shop.

"So who is going to go first?" He questions as myself and Daniel look at each other.

"I'll go." Daniel says as he shoots me a comforting smile once again.

James nods and pats the seat. Daniel kisses me quickly on the cheek before sitting down.

"So where are we getting our tats today?" James asks as he pulls out the sketch. We were not too sure if we should get it on our thighs or if we should get it on our shoulders.

"We definitely want it on our thighs." I say as Daniel smiles at me, happy that I'm speaking and not just panicking silently in my seat. We decided on our thighs as we could hide them for our wedding, especially me who hopes to have exposed shoulders with my wedding dress.

James nod before placing the stencil on Daniel's skin once he has cleaned the area. The tattoo was a butterfly, each wing being a different colour that would match oppositely on mine and Daniel's skin. The right wing for Daniel is blue and the left is black, whilst the wings of mine would be the opposite.

James gets started almost immediately. Since it's such an easy tattoo, and also not the biggest of tattoos, it takes less than 30 minutes. It only took this long because they wouldn't shut up. I swear, James is my competition rather than any other woman out in the world.

"Right, y/n, you ready for your first tat?" James asks as Daniel swaps seats with me. Before sitting down, he cleans the seat and then grabs some new supplies. I nod,

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say. Daniel grabs my hand and gives it a quick kiss,

"You'll be just fine, I promise." He says as I smile. James cleans the area on my thigh, the cool alcohol makes goosebumps rise to my skin. With that, he starts tattooing.

It was painful, horrible actually, for the first 10 minutes. Eventually, all went numb and made it much easier for me and James.

Since it is my first tattoo, it takes James almost 45 minutes for mine as he gives me a few breaks to ensure I don't pass out and that I am as comfortable as possible.

Daniel helps me out a lot, giving me words of reassurance every few minutes. He also involves me in conversations with James to keep me as distracted as possible with a needle puncturing my skin every millisecond.

Eventually, James finishes and gives me a large grin,

"These tattoos are so sick but so cute!" He says making myself and Daniel laugh.

"Time for pics." He continues as he ushers myself and Daniel to some good lighting. After a few pictures, which obviously includes pictures of Daniel posing in weird and wonderful positions, before we are taken to pay for the tattoo.

James waves us goodbye as we walk out of the shop, shouting some gibberish on how to take care of the tattoo. I was honestly just relying on Daniel to tell me what I needed to do.

"So what do you think?" Daniel asks once we reach our house, walking through the front door and closing it behind us. Without a word, I hug him tightly, almost pulling him down.

"Woah, I'll take that as you love it." He says, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"This is the best decision we have ever made. Look how cool they look together!" I shout as I point to our legs. He laughs once again before pulling me close to him once again.

"I love you, future wife." He says, his eyes sparking in the afternoon light that was spilling though the windows.

"I love you too, future husband." And with that, we share a sweet kiss with our new tattoos etched on our skin.

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