Mick Schumacher - First time father

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Hey guys. This was a lovely request by anonymous and let me just say, such a cute imagine cause OMG y'all will love this. Also, please let me know what y'all think about long imagines as I have been writing. Would y'all like to see some shorter chapters, blurbs? Let me know because I love the feedback!
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


The sounds of screaming makes me let out a sigh of relief as my eyes desperately want to close, the urge to sleep greater than expected until I feel a someone squeeze my hand tightly. "You did it, my girl. You did it." I hear my husband, Mick, say in my ear as I finally open my eyes and look around at my surroundings. I see Mick holding my hand next to me and a few nurses hovering over something in the corner of the room.

"Is- is the baby okay?" I ask, worried as to why they were hovering over, what I can only assume, the baby. "Yes! Don't worry, baby. They just cleaning her." He says as I smile tiredly, "It's a girl?" I ask, tears springing to my eyes as he nods his head, "Yes, our beautiful baby girl." He says, tears springing to his eyes. I'm about to speak again until the nurse walks over to me, the baby in her arms still wailing.

"Here's your baby girl. Congrats." She says before handing my baby over to me. "Look at her." I coo as I hold her to my chest as she slowly stops crying, leaning into my touch as Mick rests his hand on the baby's forehead. "She's so beautiful. Clearly got her looks from her mother." He jokes as I chuckle, "Shut up, Mick. You act as if you're not hot." I say which makes him laugh as well as the nurse who was cleaning me up.

"What should we name her?" I finally ask once we are taken to the recovery room, all alone so we could have some one on one time with our baby. "She looks like a Jenna." He states as I laugh, "I am not giving her a generic name." I say as he raises his arms, "Fine, fine." He says with a smile. "Or maybe we should." I say as he frowns, "What do you have in mind that's so generic?" He asks as I smile widely, "Lets call her Mikayla." I say as he raises his eyebrows, "Kinda like Michael." I say as he smiles, "My dads gonna love this." He says as I laugh, "Anything for the legend."


After a few days in recovery as I needed some stitches, we were on our way home, but a stop first to the Schumacher household. Mick was dying to show his whole family his newborn, but mainly he wanted to see his dogs. Yes, he is absolutely obsessed with Angie, and I don't blame him because so am I. Mick's mom offered to look after Angie so that Mick could stay with me at the hospital full time which I was grateful for.

When Mick stops the car, me smiles widely over at me, "I can't wait to show everyone our beautiful daughter." He says as I chuckle, "Me too. Come, lets go." I say as we get out the car. We grab Mikayla and walk to the front door, opening it to be welcomed by an excited Schumacher Family. "Oh my god!" Corolla scream-whispers as she rushes towards us. She kisses Mick before pulling me into a side hug, "You have such a beautiful baby!" She continues to gush as she gawks at our baby.

"You can hold her." I say as I pass Mikayla to Corolla. As Corolla is telling Mikayla about the house, as if she knew what Corolla was saying, Michael rolls his way towards us in his wheelchair, "I hear my name was used to name this gorgeous baby." He says as myself and Mick laugh, "Hey pops. It was y/n's idea." Mick says as I blush, "Only the best for my amazing father in law." I say as he chuckles and pulls me into a hug, almost making me fall over his wheelchair.

"May I hold her?" He asks as I nod. "Oh wow, what a stunning baby." He gushes as Corolla passes him over, tears in her eyes. "Angie!" Mick exclaims as Angie runs up to him and jumps up on him, wagging her tail. "Oh my, I'm so sorry! She was meant to wait in the kitchen." Corolla says as she sits on Michael's lap, handing Mikayla over to me. "No, it's okay, mom. I wanted Angie to meet Mikayla." Mick says as I can't help but laugh.

"What? Angie has to approve Mikayla." He says, sternly may I add, as I chuckle, "Okay, okay." I say as I walk over to Angie. Angie is about to jump up on me, but Mick stops her, "No, careful puppy. Angie, meet Mikayla." He says as I lean over. Angie sniffs her, confused by a tiny human, as she groans slightly and sniffs Mikayla even more. Angie licks Mikayla's face making me smile knowing how much this must mean to Mick.

"Oh my god, this is the best moment of my life." Mick says which makes myself and his parents laugh, "Yeah, screw our wedding day." I tease as he frowns over at me, "Don't act like you're not gushing over this." He says as I nod, "Yeah, you're right. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen." I say as he smiles proudly. "Mom, can you take a picture of us. I want a family portrait." He says as she laughs, "I was waiting for you to ask." She says as she take out her phone.

Myself and Mick stand next to each other, Angie sits just in front our our feet as I hold onto Mikayla. Corolla takes a few picture, smiling wide as she can't help but gush over the cute pictures. "Come, I think we need to eat, along with baby Mikayla there." She says as Mikayla starts moaning, about to cry as I chuckle. Everyone walks to the kitchen, leaving just myself and Mick. "Thanks for being such an amazing wife and mother." He says before pressing a kiss to my lips, "No, thank you for everything. I love you."

"I love you too."

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