Max Verstappen - 1st Christmas

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Hey guys! I hope y'all are doing well. This is a requested Imagine so I hope you enjoy hun! So, I'm currently without warm water and I took a shower that turned me into ice. At least I have water so I can at least stay hydrated. Anyways enough of me complaining. Enjoy!
Btw I didn't proof read this rip
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


I pull Aurora, mine and Max's daughter, on my lap as she screams excitedly as she stares up at the Christmas tree in our living room, blinking brightly with all the colorful lights. "Someone is excited for Christmas!" Max exclaims behind me as he is placing all the food on the table so when the guests arrive we can start eating immediately. Aurora mumbles excitedly, clapping her hands as I chuckle.

"What time is Christian and them coming?" I ask as Aurora plays with her toys in front of me, resting her legs on my lap as she rolls around with her toys. "In a few minutes. Thanks again for letting us have Christmas here with all the guys." Max says as he walks over and crouches down, smiling over at me before admiring our daughter. "Of course! I love the boys anyway. It's like I'm their mother to be fair." I say as Max chuckles, knowing just how right I was saying that.

Before Max could respond, the door bell goes off as Max cheers, "Your uncles are here." Max says to Aurora who just looks at him, not a thought behind those eyes bright blue eyes that she got from her father. Max gets up, pressing a quick kiss to my temple, before opening the door. I look over at the door, frowning as I just see red behind Max. "Christian, what the fuck?!" Max exclaims through laughter as I scoff, "Language!" I exclaim back as Aurora stares back at me, a small smile on her face.

"No, babe, look at this!" Max says as he moves aside exposing Christian in a Santa clause costume. "Oh my-" "Merry Christmas!" He exclaims as he walks in, a massive bag hanging over his shoulder. "I hear there is a good girl in this house!" Christian continues as Aurora starts laughing. I stand up with Aurora in my arms as I walk over to Christian. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek as a hello before grabbing Aurora from my arms.

He sits down on the floor and starts giving all the gifts to Aurora to open, talking to her about how important the gifts he was giving her were. "Did you ask him to dress up as Santa?" I ask Max as he chuckles, "No I didn't. I think he just wanted to make Aurora's first Christmas special." Max says as I nod. Christian adores Aurora, always wanting me to bring her to race weekends and offering to look after her whilst myself and Max go out on a date night. I don't mind, seeing Christian as a father figure myself anyway.

Before we could continue, the doorbell rings again. This time, both myself and Max head over to the door. We open the door to be faced with the whole crew: Checo, Lando, Daniel, Alex, and all their partners, expect for Lando who didn't have a partner. "Hey!" They all exclaim as they file in one by one, hugging and thanking myself and Max before walking straight to Aurora. "Is that Christian?" Lily, Alex's girlfriend, asks as I chuckle, "You bet it is." I say as she laughs loudly.

"Christian!" Lando exclaims as he laughs loudly which makes Aurora laugh. Aurora will always, and I do mean always, laugh when we Lando laughs. Even at race days, if Aurora is in a bad mood, we just call Lando over to come and laugh which instantly cheers Aurora up, as well as me more often than not. "Why are you Father Christmas?" Alex asks with a wide smile as Christian chuckles, "Aurora deserves to spend time with Santa." He says as all of us chuckle at him.

One by one, everyone says hello to Aurora and hands me a gift they wanted to give her. "We giving it too you because we know Aurora won't pay attention to us when there's Father Christmas in the middle of the room." Cheo says as I chuckle and nod, "Yeah, she doesn't even care that I'm her mother anymore." I say which makes him laugh as he nudges into me, "Maybe we can set up a play date with my kids? I think it will be nice since we are all done with this racing season." Checo says as I chuckle, "Of course! We just waiting for you to permanently move in Monaco." I say as he nods, "Soon soon."

"Right, lets all eat." Max says as we all agree. I take Aurora from Christian and sit her up in her baby chair and help her eat her meal as I eat mine. We all talk amongst each other and about the new season and all our plans. "Y/n, you have to bring Aurora to races more often." Daniel says as I chuckle, "I plan too. I wanna allow her to spend time with all her god parents." I say as everyone chuckles, "I can show her the best team." Daniel continues as Christian laughs, "Steady, you." Christian says as we all laugh, Aurora joining in as per usual after hearing Lando laugh.

We all finish our meals, and all settle in the living room. Everyone plays with Aurora whilst watching a Christmas movie, classic white family vibes. Aurora walks over to everyone, giggling much to better, as everyone cheers for her as she only recently started walking. Christian, who is still in the Santa costume, sings with Aurora who just moans the words out as myself and Max chuckle.

"You know, I'm really glad we invited everyone." I say as I intertwine my fingers with Max's as he stares in awe at his baby girl. "So am I. Not only does it gives us a little more time for each other, but also it gives Aurora more time to spend with our closets friends." Max says as he looks over at me, a massive smile spread across his face.

"I love you." I say as he winks at me, "I love you too." He says before pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. "So, are we gonna play games or not?" Lando, the real child he is, asks as everyone chuckles at him. "What?! I only think it's fair we play pictionary with Aurora. Alex did bring it." He retaliates as Carola, Checo's wife, laughs, "Yeah, because she's totally gonna draw alongside you." Carola says as we all laugh, "Watch us win." Lando says cockily as he grabs Aurora from Christian and sits down on the couch.

"So now who is gonna be my partner?" Christian asks as his wife was stuck in the U.K. with their kids because of additional work. "You can be with us, duh." Lando says as Aurora claps and screams. "Oh yes, we are totally winning." Christian says as he takes a seat next to Lando as Alex pulls out the pictionary board he brought. "May the best team win." Alex continues as we all smile and enjoy the remainder of our Christmas night, laughing loudly when Lando wins with his stupid drawings.

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