Max Verstappen - My World Champion

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Hey guys! Can I just say I was beyond happy that Max won, but my biggest issue is the hate BOTH drivers are getting after this. In my opinion, both deserved to win but there could've only been one winner. They both deserve a round of applause and respect from us as fans. But, anyway, here's a steamy Max imagine. This was requested by anonymous, hope you enjoy hun!
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: Smut 🌚


"Oh my God, Max, you're a fucking world champion!" I exclaim as he walks over to me from Christian. He hugs me tightly, pressing small and delegate kisses to my exposed neck as he lets out a sigh of relief, "I'm so glad Mercedes appeal didn't go through." He says as I chuckle, "Trust me, me too. But if it did go through, I am almost certain Christian would've appealed that anyway." I say with a big smile as he chuckles, "True, true. Now come, let's finally go back to the hotel." He says with a smirk which means only one thing, sex.

"As you wish, world champion." I say before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. He is quick to pull me to his car, waving everyone goodbye one last time, before we are in the car and rushing to the hotel which, luckily, wasn't too far away from the track. The drive there is filled with sexual tension, Max's hand gripping my thigh tightly as I bite my lip in anticipation.

Sex with Max is what you'd expect it to be, rough. But with how much racing there has been, we haven't been able to have sex because of a "sex ban" placed over Max for the past few races. Why athletes can't have sex before a game or a race is beyond me, but we had to follow it otherwise there would be hell to play with from Christian and Max's personal trainer.

With the three consecutive race weekends, it means we haven't been able to have sex for at least three weeks making the two of us sexually frustrated, so I promised Max that if he won the World Championship that I would allow him to do anything he pleases the night of the win. Truth be told, he could do whatever he wants to me whenever he wants but I thought its a good way to get him to fight which he did as proven with his race win.

When we arrive back at the hotel, Max grabs my hand quickly before pulling me to our hotel room. As soon as that door is unlocked and closed behind us, Max attaches his lips to mine for a steamy kiss. His tongue swipes over mine as his hands grip my waist tightly. My hand rest in his hair, tugging on his dark blonde roots, as he groans into my mouth. We both kick off our shoes, leaving them right by the doorway as we start moving slowly to the bed.

Max starts pulling off my dress, tossing it aside, which leaves me in my matching set. I do the same, pulling his RedBull shirt over his head and shoving his khaki pants down on the ground, allowing him to step out of them. Max pulls away from me, breathless, as he quickly undoes my bra and pulls down my panties, leaving me completely naked as he looks me up and down.

"How about you stop looking at me and finally doing something?' I tease as he chuckles, "I'm the World Champion, I do as I please." He says, his eyes dark and filled with lust. I bite my lip and not my head, not daring to challenge him as I wanted to cum tonight. "Right, princess, on your knees." He says as I nod, dropping down to my knees in front of him. Max pulls his underwear off, his member slapping his stomach as he groans lowly at the sudden change in temperature for him.

I wrap my hand around his cock and pump him slowly as he glares down at me. Without saying a word, I knew what he wanted and gave him what he wanted. I attach my lips around his tip, sucking him as he groans loudly. I tease him for a short period of time, only sucking his top and licking the slight pre-cum that is dripping from his tip. But after a little bit of teasing, I take him whole, using my hand for the part I couldn't fit in my mouth, as I bob my head slowly on his cock. I swirl my tongue around him as I do so, causing him to moan my name loudly as his hands grip my hair and start pushing me on his member causing me to gag. I let him do this, knowing how much he loved it when I gagged around his cock.

I could feel he was close, his cock twitching inside my mouth, but he quickly pulls out of my mouth and picks me up, tossing me on the bed. Max crawls on top of me, presses sweet kisses to my neck and face as his cock hits my thigh with every movement. "Please, Max, just fuck me already." I practically beg as I feel him smirk against my skin. "I am way for hirny to be going through too much foreplay." I continue as he chuckles lowly, "As you wish." He says as he sits up slightly and grabs his member, aligning it with my entrance.

He slowly enters me as I gasp at the size of him, my nails digging into his shoulders, as we both moan each other's names. Max starts off fast, not allowing me to adjust like he normally does but I'm not complaining. My walls are quick to be clenching around him as he chuckles, "Close to cumming already?" He asks breathlessly as I nod my head, unable to form a comprehensive sentence. Max was hitting every good place inside of me with every single thrust, hitting my bundle of nerves which were edging me to my orgasm quickly.

"Me too, angel." He simply says as his thrusts get harder and deeper as I cry his name out, my nails ripping down his back as his short but prominent nails dig into my hips. "Fuck baby girl, I love you so much." Max moans into my ear as he nibbles on the flesh and his right hand wraps around my throats slightly, only putting a tiny amount of pressure as he wanted me to reply back, "I love you too." I manage to get out before I finally let my orgasm wash over me, his name and a few profanities spilling from my lips as my legs shake around his hips.

Max is quick to follow as I feel him spill inside of me, my name leaving his lips as he does so. "Fuck, I think we both needed that." Max says as he pulls out of me and lays beside me. I can't help but laugh at his words as I look over him, "Well, we haven't had sex for three weeks so I would definitely say we both needed that." I say as he nods, a massive smile on his face.

"But baby, I really do love you." He says, "I love you too and I am so proud of you. You really did deserve that trophy and I'm glad a little bit of luck went your way tonight." I say as I caress his cheek before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Round two in the shower?" He asks with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a mischievous smirk on his lips. "How can I say no to the World Champion, hm?"

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