Yuki Tsunoda - Christmas Gingerbread House

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Hey guys! So I decided that imma write some Christmas imagines since it's the good old jolly season. Let me know if you want more Christmas imagines AND more Yuki imagines. This guy is so cute omg and I would pass away if I ever met him. Anyways enjoy! Btw, idk how the fuck a gingerbread house works or how to make it so bare with me please and thank you.
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


A squeeze to my cheek wakes me up from my peaceful nap, as I groan loudly. "Baby, I've got a surprise for us." Yuki says as I open my eyes and look up at the smiling man. "Babes, I'm really tired" I complain as he scoffs, "Yeah, yeah, but come this gift is perfect for Christmas." He says as he grabs my hands and pulls me up.

"I swear to god, if you woke me up to kiss me under mistletoe, I will leave you right here." I say as he laughs loudly, "No, don't worry. I'm waiting for Christmas Day to do that." He says with a wink as we enter the kitchen. On the table is two boxes with the words 'gingerbread house' written on the front and frosting laying around. There were also many forms of sweets ranging from M&M's and Laffy Taffy. "You didn't." I say as he chuckles, "Oh yes I did baby." He says as I squeal excitedly, "I've never built one before." I say as I rush over to the box and start opening it up.

"That's exactly why I bought them. I know it's not a tradition where you come from but I think it's something you have to do once in your life." He says as he presses a kiss to my cheek, "Thank you, baby. I really appreciate it." I say as I smile over at him. "So, I was thinking, why don't we have a gingerbread house competition to see who can build the better house? We can get the fans to vote on Instagram." He says as I smile up at him, "Oh, I am so down for that." I say as he sticks out his hand, "May the best win."

I start off by looking at the instructions, making sure that I didn't have to do anything specific before starting my design. I decide on a simple gingerbread house, basically square but a rectangular shape just behind the square, making an L shaped house. I start doing measurements, making sure everything was equal to ensure that the roof didn't fall over once the decorations are placed on.

I grab the frosting and start assembling everything, starting with the base first and then attaching the roof. "Holy shit, babe, you're really good at this " Yuki says as I chuckle. I look over at his to see his already assembled but it was completely lob sided, his roof hanging on by a thread, as I laugh, "I like your house." I say as he scoffs, "Just because you're amazing at making it even doesn't mean my house isn't gonna be perfect with all my decorations." He retaliates as I shrug, "I said I liked your house" I say as he rolls his eyes, "Yeah, sarcastically. Now leave me." He says before whipping his imaginary hair making me laugh at his childish behavior.

I grab the frosting and make 'snow' along the roof. I also add frosting to the edges of my roof and add M&M's to be Christmas lights hanging. I then take the Laffy Taffy in green to make a tree and add it to the side of my house. I make doors and windows, adding 'snow' to them once again as I take some coconut flakes and sprinkle it around my house, adding more 'snow' to my house.

I bite my lip as I think of more things I could possibly add, but I decide against it knowing it would probably ruin my house anyway. "Okay baby, I'm don- what the fuck did you do?" I ask as I look over at his house. Well, not much of a house it was anymore. He has completely drowned the house with icing and coconut flakes, so much so that the icing was dripping on to our black kitchen counter tops.

"My house went through a snow storm." He says, proudly may I add, as I shake my head and laugh at my special boyfriend, "Wow, you're something else." I say as I shake my head as he shrugs, "I didn't like my house so I just decided to drown it in icing. It looks much better now, doesn't it?" He asks as I laugh at him once again, much louder as he smiles innocently at me.

"I guess so." I say as he cheers, "See, sometimes my genius frightens me." He says as he takes out his phone and starts filming for his Instagram story. "Hey guys, so today myself and my girlfriend have decided to make gingerbread houses. Vote who you think made the bet- NO!" He exclaims loudly as his roof caves in, on video.

I can't help but burst out in laughter at the sight. Not only was the whole situation funny, but Yuki's face is absolutely priceless as his mouth hangs wide open as he just stares at his broken gingerbread house. "Yeah, your genius is frightening!" I exclaim as he scoffs but soon laughs as he points the camera on me, "See guys, I'm dating a bully. Well, I'm logging off. That was enough embarrassment for today." He says before stopping the video.

He tags me quickly before posting the video on his story before looking at me, dumbfounded, as he shakes his head, "The odds of that happening-" "The odds of that happening?! You literally drowned your crooked roof in heavy frosting!" I exclaim through tears in my eyes as my stomach starts hurting from laughter. "Oh shh man!" He exclaims as I smack my hand on the table, almost dying from laughter.

"I- haha, it is funny tho." He says as he pulls me close to him, a massive smile on his face. "I'm glad you had fun, my love." He says as I wipe my eyes, "It's hard not to have fun when you're my boyfriend." I say as he chuckles, "Stop, you're making me blush." He jokes as he hugs me tightly, "So, are you gonna clean it up or-" Yuki is quickly cut off by a hard slap from me, "Don't push it." I say as I point a finger at him.

"Right, why did I even try." He says but with the biggest smirk on his lips. "Exactly. Now, I am gonna eat my house while you clean yours." I say as he groans, "Yes, your highness." He jokes as I nod, "Good."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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