George Russel - The Blind Date

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Hey guys! I'm still alive, I promise. This imagine is A LONGGGG one because you guys deserve it. Again, apologies for a lack of posting. Head up to the updates on my page to understand why. But I hope to begin writing more and hopefully posting more regularly. I cannot promise much, but I can give you guys a guide. Thanks again for the support, and I hope you enjoy!

Also, I did a module in English so my writing has improved slightly (hence why my writing looks different here than before).

Stay safe lovies xx


I roll my eyes at Lando, a long and hard sigh leaving my lips,

"Right, can you stop being an asshole and making fun of my little crush on George?" I question, swinging my legs up and down while sitting on Lando's kitchen counter. He shovels his face with his lunch which consisted of roast chicken, spicy rice, and green vegetables.

"Little crush?! Jesus, y/n, if that's a little crush, then I wonder what a big crush would look like for you." He says before shoving another piece of chicken in his mouth, some of the sauce spilling on the side of his mouth.

"Ha ha, you are so funny." I say, my eyes burning into him as he chuckles,

"I know, that's what everyone tells me."

I've known Lando since I was a kid, being besties since having an altercation with each other at the park. Truth be told, I didn't like him at first. He fell on my little sand castle I had built in the sandpit, but all was settled when he begged his mom to buy me an ice cream as a sorry gift. Ever since then, we've been very close and have proceeded to get ice cream every month when he had the time too.

Because I was his friend, I was allowed to travel with him sometimes which allowed me to meet the rest of the drivers. Some of them I didn't know that well, like Mick and Alonso, but others I knew very well which happened to be all of Lando's close friend in the paddock, including Charles, Alex, Daniel Max, and George.

George was pretty quiet around me, but his tall frame and shy nature got me hooked the day I first saw him. At first, I just pushed the thought of him away since he had a girlfriend. But as soon as she left him, the feelings kept creeping back and here I was, fallen head over heals for a guy who only utters a hand full of words to me whenever we see each other.

I tried to hide my feelings for him from everybody, especially Lando knowing he would tease me for it. But with Lando pretty much being my best friend, he could tell within months after the break up between George and his ex. I tried telling Lando otherwise, but I eventually gave in and just told him I had feelings for George which only led to him doing exactly what I predicted; teasing me whenever he sees me, especially if George happens to be in the same room as us. However, Lando did promise me he hasn't told George or any of the other guys, which sits just fine with me.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Lando asks as he stands up, shoving his dirty plate in the sink before splashing some warm water on the plate, 'rinsing' the plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

"You know, its better to wash the plate properly before putting it in the dishwasher." I say standing up and grabbing the plate. I wash the grease he didn't get off the plate, him rolling his eyes at me.

"Don't change the subject, missy! Just asking him out." Lando says,

"Lando, the simple answer I'm gonna give you is no. Also, don't call me 'missy' every again." I say before placing the plate neatly in the dishwasher before moving back to my original seating place on the kitchen counter.

"Come on! The worst that could happen is he says no." He says as I look up at him, an unamused expression written on my face.

"A lot worse could happen than him just saying no, and you know that. For example, he could laugh in my face. Or, or, he could give me the most disgusted face ever imaginable" I say as I move my legs up on the counter, crossing them. He rolls his eyes at me,

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